Random Throughline Prompts

Prompts for Stories

What stories?

Original Storyform Objective Story Relationship Story Main Character Influence Character
Other People's ChildrenDead Poets Society Ingrid Goes West Can You Ever Forgive Me? Aliens
12 Angry MenHamilton Sound of Music Braveheart His Girl Friday
99 HomesA History of Violence Doctor Zhivago Darkest Hour Can You Ever Forgive Me?
A Beautiful MindA Place in the Sun Call Me by Your Name Blade Runner Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
A Bronx TaleDoubt The Help Silence of the Lambs Rocky
A Christmas CarolDances with Wolves Bringing Up Baby Collateral Finding Nemo
A Doll's HouseCreed 99 Homes Chicago Laura
A Face in the CrowdConspiracy Theory American Fiction Ex Machina Harvey
A Few Good MenPeyton Place Oppenheimer A Separation The Exorcist
A History of ViolenceE.T. the Extra Terrestrial 99 Homes Dogma Bumblebee
A Man for all SeasonsAmerican Fiction Fight Club Collateral Captain Fantastic
A Place in the SunBeing the Ricardos Beauty and the Beast Laura Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
A Room with a ViewA Beautiful Mind Encanto Another Round Finding Nemo
A SeparationLocke Forrest Gump Frequency The Help
A Star is bornEdge of Tomorrow Bad Trip Edge of Tomorrow Harold and Maude
A Streetcar named DesireIn her Shoes Mrs. Miniver The Glass Menagerie Ida
Akeelah and the BeeAs good as it gets Bull Durham Blazing Saddles Election
AliensCars Bad Trip Ferris Bueller's Enchanted
All about EveBlack Swan Ferris Bueller's Day Off Aliens Big Eyes
All that JazzBad Trip Blade Runner 2049 Body Heat Bumblebee
Almost FamousAs good as it gets Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Disney's Peter Pan Election
AmadeusAnatomy of a Fall Mississippi Burning A Few Good Men Mrs. Miniver
AmelieIn the company of men Encanto A Christmas Carol Jerry Maguire
American BeautyInside out Ferris Bueller's Day Off Call Me by Your Name El Mariachi
American FictionBeing John Malkovich Blazing Saddles Annie Hall Desk Set
American History XHarold and Maude Dragonwyck City Slickers Jerry Maguire
American PresidentEver After Enchanted Chicago Doctor Zhivago
American SniperBatman Begins Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Brokeback Mountain Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Anatomy of a Fall12 Angry Men Othello As good as it gets The Graduate
Annie HallA Face in the Crowd A Man for all Seasons Bourne Identity A Doll's House
Another RoundA Doll's House Eastern Promises Heavenly Creatures Her
AntzNever Rarely Sometimes Always Godzilla Minus One Nomadland Killers of the Flower Moon
Apt PupilTitanic Barefoot in the park Good Will Hunting It happened one Night
ArrivalBumblebee Doctor Zhivago Columbus Conspiracy Theory
Arsenic and old LaceBlackberry A Room with a View Cars Being John Malkovich
As good as it gets (Neighbors)Captain America: Civil War Double Indemnity Big El Mariachi
As good as it gets (Romance)Clockwork Orange Killers of the Flower Moon The Contender Lone Star
Ash Is Purest WhiteIt happened one Night Auntie Mame Boyz n the Hood Hamilton
Auntie MameGladiator Breaking Away Talk to Her Ida
BabadookYoung frankenstein The Father Crimson Tide The Endless
Back to the FutureErin Brockovich Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Body Heat Days of Wine and Roses
Bad TripCasablanca Dope Bull Durham Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Barefoot in the parkThe Great Gatsby Nomadland Witness Sophie's Choice
Batman BeginsEl Mariachi City of God (2002) Edge of Tomorrow A Christmas Carol
Beasts of no nationJuno Luca Inside Man Snowpiercer
Beauty and the BeastAnnie Hall Brief Encounter Akeelah and the Bee Erin Brockovich
Being John MalkovichBlack Swan Dark City Ferris Bueller's Day Off Bull Durham
Being the RicardosBrooklyn Grease E.T. the Extra Terrestrial Casablanca
Being ThereFerris Bueller's Day Off Dark City Blade Runner Booksmart
BigCaptain America: Civil War Coco Creed Bridesmaids
Big EyesBeing the Ricardos Brooklyn Dope Central Station
Big SickHer Ex Machina Down and out in beverly hills A History of Violence
BirdmanBridesmaids Booksmart Bull Durham Call Me by Your Name
Black PantherBreakfast at Tiffany's A Doll's House Beauty and the Beast Creed
Black SwanFight Club Conspiracy Theory Coco Enchanted
BlackberryDisney's Peter Pan American Fiction Central Station Crazy Rich Asians
BlacKKKlansmanAmerican Fiction In the company of men Election A History of Violence
Blade RunnerCoco Columbus American Fiction Doctor Zhivago
Blade Runner 2049Booksmart Edge of Tomorrow Being John Malkovich Casino Royale
Blazing SaddlesAll about Eve Flightplan Captain America: Civil War Being John Malkovich
Body HeatDogma Blade Runner Bridesmaids Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
BooksmartDesk Set Bridesmaids Enough Said A Room with a View
Borat Subsequent MoviefilmGet Out Ferris Bueller's Day Off Enchanted Fight Club;
Bourne IdentityDogma Candida Dead Poets Society City Slickers
Boyz n the HoodSicario In her Shoes Silence of the Lambs Apt Pupil
BraveheartMy Cousin Vinny Charlotte's Web Minari Chinatown
Breakfast at Tiffany'sErin Brockovich Candida Conspiracy Theory Jeffrey
Breaking AwayMrs. Miniver Home Alone Revenge of the Nerds Platoon
BridesmaidsAll that Jazz City of God (2002) El Mariachi Brooklyn
Bridget Jones's DiaryPromising Young Woman Frequency Kolya My Cousin Vinny
Brief EncounterClose A Beautiful Mind Ford v Ferrari E.T. the Extra Terrestrial
Bringing Up BabyA Star is born Black Panther American Sniper A Doll's House
Brokeback MountainGrease Being the Ricardos Captain Fantastic Laura
BrooklynDisney's Peter Pan Florence Foster Jenkins American Beauty Contact
Bull DurhamAnother Round Bourne Identity Creed All about Eve
BumblebeeAll that Jazz Cars Die Hard Disney's Tarzan
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance KidBreakfast at Tiffany's Casino Royale God of War (2018) Edge of Tomorrow
Call Me by Your NameHeavenly Creatures Black Swan Can You Ever Forgive Me? Dark City
Can You Ever Forgive Me?Blade Runner A History of Violence American Beauty Akeelah and the Bee
CandidaCasablanca Dogma Another Round Bringing Up Baby
Captain America: Civil WarA History of Violence Erin Brockovich Encanto Dark City
Captain FantasticInside out A Room with a View Bourne Identity Brokeback Mountain
CarsBull Durham Dogma Arsenic and old Lace 99 Homes
CasablancaDie Hard Bourne Identity Bourne Identity Four Weddings and a Funeral
Casino RoyaleA Star is born Captain America: Civil War Almost Famous Down and out in beverly hills
Central StationElection Enough Said Days of Wine and Roses Crazy Rich Asians
Charlotte's WebCrimson Tide Everything is Illuminated Searching for Bobby Fischer 12 Angry Men
ChicagoAmerican Fiction Harold and Maude Captain Fantastic Booksmart
ChinatownPan's Labyrinth Planet of the Apes Platoon Frozen
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue RangersCity of God (2002) Enough Said BlacKKKlansman F
City of God (2002)A Star is born Blade Runner A Christmas Carol A Man for all Seasons
City SlickersCoco Back to the Future Jerry Maguire A Beautiful Mind
Clockwork OrangeHome Alone Le Cercle Rouge A Bronx Tale Promising Young Woman
CloseHarvey Inside out Eddie the Eagle All about Eve
Cloudy With a Chance of MeatballsHis Girl Friday Braveheart Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Paved with Good Intentions
CocoDouble Indemnity Blade Runner Eat Drink Man Woman Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
CODAIt happened one Night Silen The Help Luca
CollateralAmerican President A Christmas Carol A Star is born Harvey
ColumbusA Christmas Carol Almost Famous Batman Begins American History X
Conspiracy TheoryA Face in the Crowd Brokeback Mountain A Man for all Seasons Dead Poets Society
ContactBreakfast at Tiffany's Election Bridesmaids A History of Violence
Cool Hand LukeMoonlight My Cousin Vinny Platoon Inside Man
Crazy Rich AsiansDragonwyck A Beautiful Mind BlacKKKlansman All that Jazz
Crazy Stupid LoveFault in Our Stars Annie Hall Finding Nemo Captain Fantastic
CreedCaptain America: Civil War Eddie the Eagle Captain America: Civil War Akeelah and the Bee
Crimson TideAuntie Mame Rambo: First Blood The Omen Lord of the Flies
Cyrano de BergeracHamlet The Importance of being Earnest Killers of the Flower Moon Cool Hand Luke
Dances with WolvesBringing Up Baby A Doll's House Coco Dark City
Dark CityBig Sick Down and out in beverly hills Disney's Tarzan Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Darkest HourDesk Set Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Almost Famous Disney's Peter Pan
Days of Wine and RosesCandida Bull Durham Fight C Bridesmaids
Dead Poets SocietyEat Drink Man Woman Crazy Rich Asians Her Desk Set
Desk SetE.T. the Extra Terrestrial Bull Durham Captain Fantastic Ghostbusters
Die HardEnough Said Dogma Dogma Back to the Future
Disney's Peter PanHarold and Maude Flightplan Coco Bumblebee
Disney's TarzanBridesmaids American President Beauty and the Beast Dances with Wolves
Do the right thingThe Father Hamlet Quo Vadis, Aida? Nomadland
Doctor ZhivagoBourne Identity Candida Enough Said Breakfast at Tiffany's
DogmaCentral Station Body Heat Dances with Wolves Darkest Hour
Don't Look UpDark City Blazing Saddles Black Panther Dogma
Donnie DarkoThe Wizard of Oz 12 Angry Men The Importance of being Earnest Auntie Mame
DopeA Doll's House Blade Runner 2049 Blazing Saddles Akeelah and the Bee
Double IndemnityContact Darkest Hour Die Hard Fault in Our Stars
DoubtIn Bruges The Importance of being Earnest Quo Vadis, Aida? Beasts of no nation
Down and out in beverly hillsEat Drink Man Woman Brief Encounter Enchanted Fault in Our Stars
DragonwyckBrief Encounter Ex Machina A Beautiful Mind Harold and Maude
DunkirkMy Cousin Vinny Gladiator Apt Pupil Antz
E.T. the Extra TerrestrialBig Election Candida A Beautiful Mind
Eastern Promises99 Homes Blade Runner 2049 Captain America: Civil War Black Panther
Eat Drink Man WomanInside out American Fiction Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Blackberry
Eddie the EagleCity of God (2002) Aliens Days of Wine and Roses Other People's Children
Edge of TomorrowAlmost Famous Casablanca Four Weddings and a Funeral Finding Nemo
El MariachiChip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Aliens Don't Look Up Arsenic and old Lace
ElectionDisney's Tarzan Aliens Brooklyn Encanto
ElfFerris Bueller's Day Off Other People's Children Bad Trip Brooklyn
EncantoFour Weddings and a Funeral Get Out Big Eyes Aliens
EnchantedBull Durham Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Bull Durham Blackberry
Enough SaidBody Heat Candida Annie Hall Jeffrey
Erin BrockovichAll that Jazz Akeelah and the Bee Bumblebee Down and out in beverly hills
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindWilly Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Rear Window Love and death on long island It happened one Night
Eve's BayouEnchanted Booksmart A Room with a View A Place in the Sun
Ever AfterBlade Runner Captain America: Civil War Bumblebee All about Eve
Everything Everywhere All at OnceMoonlight Rebecca Braveheart Rambo: First Blood
Everything is IlluminatedSnow Breaking Away In her Shoes The Glass Menagerie
Ex Machina Other People's Children American Beauty A Star is born Captain Fantastic
Fair GameMoonlight Pig Locke The Graduate
Fault in Our StarsDead Poets Society Heavenly Creatures Blazing Saddles Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Ferris Bueller's Day OffDead Poets Society Big Eyes As good as it gets Eat Drink Man Woman
Field of DreamsCharlotte's Web Quo Vadis, Aida? In Bruges Locke
Fight ClubCall Me by Your Name BlacKKKlansman Arsenic and old Lace Body Heat
Finding NemoCasino Royale American Sniper Jeffrey A Christmas Carol
FlightplanGet Out Captain Fantastic Die Hard Disney's Peter Pan
Florence Foster JenkinsJane Eyre Inside Out 2 Don't Look Up Blade Runner 2049
Forbidden PlanetFindi Doctor Zhivago Black Panther Fault in Our Stars
Ford v Ferrari (Hull)Aliens Election Ex Machina Harold and Maude
Ford v Ferrari (User)Doctor Zhivago Black Panther Eve's Bayou God of War (2018)
Forrest GumpTo Kill a Mockingbird The Odd Couple Charlotte's Web Cool Hand Luke
Four Weddings and a FuneralBeauty and the Beast Borat Subsequent Moviefilm A Star is born A Man for all Seasons
FrequencyA Streetcar named Desire Promising Young Woman Luca Field of Dreams
Frozen (Hull)His Girl Friday As good as it gets Do the right thing Rocky
Galaxy QuestDisney's Tarzan Edge of Tomorrow Dances with Wolves Beauty and the Beast
GattacaEve's Bayou Back to the Future Beauty and the Beast Ever After
Get OutAmerican History X Fault in Our Stars A Man for all Seasons Collateral
Ghost of TsushimaBody Heat Can You Ever Forgive Me? Ferris Bu Dope
GhostbustersCity of God (2002) Enough Said Jerry Maguire L
GladiatorEverything is Illuminated Luca Juno Searching for Bobby Fischer
GloryBack to the Future Days of Wine and Roses Elf Close
God of War (2018)Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers American Sniper Breakfast at Tiffany's Collateral
Godzilla Minus OneSicario Frozen Frozen Spider-Man: Into the Sp
Good Will HuntingFrequency Kolya Minari Juno
Grave of the FirefliesBatman Begins Can You Ever Forgive Me? Bull Durham Blazing Saddles
GreaseI Tonya Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Back to the Future Casino Royale
Groundhog DayCity Slickers Bringing Up Baby A History of Violence Cars
Hacksaw RidgeCreed Body Heat Disney's Peter Pan Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
Hamilton12 Angry Men A Few Good Men Braveheart Othello
HamletPoor Things Locke Anatomy of a Fall Ida
Harold and MaudeCrazy Stupid Love Arsenic and old Lace Edge of Tomorrow Brief Encounter
Harry PotterButch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Coco Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Enchanted
HarveyInside Out 2; Big Eyes Annie Hall Booksmart
Heavenly CreaturesA Beautiful Mind Eat Drink Man Woman Another Round American President
HerBrokeback Mountain Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Conspiracy Theory L.A. Confidential
Here comes Mr. JordanBreaking Away Rocky Kolya Inside Man
His Girl FridayIn her Shoes Good Will Hunting Rocky A Bronx Tale
Home AloneAs good as it gets Ash Is Purest White Juno Charlotte's Web
Hotel RwandaEverything is Illuminated Inside Man The Exorcist Crimson Tide
How to train your DragonEl Mariachi Columbus Birdman Black Panther
Hunt for the WilderpeopleAll that Jazz Bull Durham As good as it gets Double Indemnity
I TonyaFault in Our Stars Being There Can You Ever Forgive Me? Eddie the Eagle
I'm thinking of Ending ThingsThe Farewell Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Moonlight A Separation
I, RobotEastern Promises Dances with Wolves Brooklyn Die Hard
IdaAntz Clockwork Orange The Apartment Lord of the Flies
In BrugesOppenheimer Forrest Gump Never Rarely Sometimes Always Moonlight
In her ShoesInside Man Ash Is Purest White Witness Lord of the Flies
In the company of menCall Me by Your Name Conspiracy Theory Brief Encounter Let the Right One in
In the Heat of the NightFour Weddings and a Funeral Other People's Children Brooklyn Call Me by Your Name
InceptionArrival El Mariachi Bad Trip Call Me by Your Name
Ingrid Goes WestFlorence Foster Jenkins Annie Hall Other People's Children BlacKKKlansman
Inherit the WindGladiator Minari Chinatown Paved with Good Intentions
Inside ManOldboy Frequency Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Inside outHarold and Maude In the company of men Days of Wine and Roses BlacKKKlansman
Inside Out 2Four Weddings and a Funeral Black Swan All about Eve Creed
Into the BlueDouble Indemnity E.T. the Extra Terrestrial A History of Violence Dances with Wolves
Invasion of the Body SnatchersDope Bad Trip Captain America: Civil War Back to the Future
It happened one NightPlanet of the Apes As good as it gets Sicario Cyrano de Bergerac
Jane EyreBig Eyes Elf Enchanted Erin Brockovich
JeffreyDances with Wolves Eddie the Eagle Ex Machina Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire (Romance)Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Die Hard Four Weddings and a Funeral Being There
Jerry Maguire (Sports)Can You Ever Forgive Me? Die Hard Body Heat Akeelah and the Bee
Jojo RabbitBlacKKKlansman Four Weddings and a Funeral Almost Famous Disney's Peter Pan
Jungle Book (1967)Fault in Our Stars All about Eve All that Jazz Casino Royale
Jungle Book (2016)Doctor Zhivago Bringing Up Baby Blade Runner 2049 Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
JunoAsh Is Purest White Frequency Killers of the Flower Moon 12 Angry Men
Just like HeavenDances with Wolves Black Panther Casino Royale Eastern Promises
KajillionaireIn the Heat of the Night Down and out in beverly hills Coco Central Station
Killers of the Flower MoonClockwork Orange Luca Paved with Good Intentions Oppenheimer
King KongArrival Bull Durham Eastern Promises Cars
Kingsman: The Secret ServiceCandida Central Station Brooklyn Election
KluteArsenic and old Lace Get Out Eat Drink Man Woman All about Eve
Knives Out Other People's Children Four Weddings and a Funeral A Beautiful Mind Columbus
KolyaPromising Young Woman In her Shoes Boyz n the Hood Revenge of the Nerds
Kramer vs. KramerEver After Big Darkest Hour Body Heat
Kubo and the Two StringsDoctor Zhivago Collateral Aliens Ever After
Kung Fu PandaArrival Bridesmaids Encanto Elf
L.A. ConfidentialCasablanca Dope Batman Begins Let the Right One in
La Belle et la BeteCaptain America: Civil War Akeelah and the Bee Eat Drink Man Woman Erin Brockovich
La Dolce VitaFerris Bueller's Day Off Brooklyn Arrival E.T. the Extra Terrestrial
La La LandA Beautiful Mind A Room with a View American Beauty Die Hard
Lady Bird99 Homes As good as it gets Elf Crazy Rich Asians
LauraA Face in the Crowd Blazing Saddles Heavenly Creatures Batman Begins
Lawrence of ArabiaDogma Eddie the Eagle Down and out in beverly hills Eat Drink Man Woman
Le Cercle RougeFair Game Promising Young Woman The Omen Rebecca
Leave No TraceCrazy Stupid Love Inside out Close American Beauty
Legally BlondeBeauty and the Beast A Face in the Crowd Eastern Promises Crazy Rich Asians
Lego MovieChicago Fight Club Bad Trip Big Eyes
Let the Right One inDesk Set A Star is born A Man for all Seasons Conspiracy Theory
Licorice PizzaInside out Annie Hall Can You Ever Forgive Me? Ever After
Life is Beautiful (Father/Son)Another Round Bringing Up Baby Brooklyn El Mariachi
Life is Beautiful (Romance)Body Heat Disney's Tarzan Encanto Close
Like Water for ChocolateIngrid Goes West Chicago Eastern Promises Blade Runner 2049
Little Miss SunshineCrazy Stupid Love Arsenic and old Lace Black Swan Ever After
Little WomenBorat Subsequent Moviefilm A Place in the Sun Can You Ever Forgive Me? Black Panther
LockeThe Father Splendor in the Grass The Importance of being Earnest Fair Game
LoganDays of Wine and Roses Cars BlacKKKlansman Big
LolitaEat Drink Man Woman BlacKKKlansman Arrival Finding Nemo
Lone StarDoubt When harry met sally In her Shoes The Omen
LooperBringing Up Baby All that Jazz Body Heat Black Swan
Lord of the FliesSicario Cool Hand Luke The Graduate Frequency
Love and death on long islandAs good as it gets A Streetcar named Desire Michael Clayton Rocky
LucaHome Alone Planet of the Apes Hamlet The Great Gatsby
Mad Max Fury RoadA Doll's House Bad Trip BlacKKKlansman Back to the Future
Manchester by the SeaConspiracy Theory Elf Laura Bourne Identity
Marriage StoryAmerican Beauty Four Weddings and a Funeral Collateral A Star is born
MartyIn the Heat of the Night Fault in Our Stars Down and out in beverly hills Encanto
MatrixBlack Panther Another Round Back to the Future A History of Violence
Mean GirlsFight Club Blazing Saddles Eddie the Eagle Big Sick
MementoAmerican Fiction Florence Foster Jenkins American History X Harvey
Men in BlackDope Breakfast at Tiffany's Black Panther As good as it gets
Michael ClaytonGladiator Cool Hand Luke Oldboy My Cousin Vinny
Midnight CowboyBrokeback Mountain Dragonwyck In the company of men Harvey
Midnight RunDie Hard Edge of Tomorrow Dances with Wolves Casino Royale
MinariRebecca As good as it gets Everything Everywhere All at Once Othello
Minority ReportEddie the Eagle Casablanca Conspiracy Theory A Star is born
Miss pettigrew lives for a dayIn the company of men Being the Ricardos Election Bridesmaids
Missing LinkBrokeback Mountain Encanto Double Indemnity Dope
Mississippi BurningThe Help In Bruges My Cousin Vinny Inherit the Wind
Mister robertsFight Club Borat Subsequent Moviefilm Black Panther Eddie the Eagle
MoanaBourne Identity Casablanca Back to the Future Disney's Tarzan
MoneyballBringing Up Baby City Slickers Encanto Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Monsters Inc.Big Sick American History X Ghostbusters Blade Runner
MoonlightGodzilla Minus One Mrs. Miniver As good as it gets The Counterfeiters
MoonstruckBlazing Saddles Big Eyes 99 Homes Disney's Tarzan
Motherv2Bourne Identity Double Indemnity Cars Blade Runner 2049
Moulin Rouge!Call Me by Your Name Don't Look Up Brokeback Mountain Bringing Up Baby
Mr. smith goes to washingtonDon't Look Up Inside out Dope All that Jazz
Mrs. MiniverLord of the Flies Platoon Sound of Music Donnie Darko
My best friends weddingCaptain America: Civil War Back to the Future Batman Begins Ghostbusters
My big fat greek weddingIngrid Goes West Chicago Four Weddings and a Funeral La Dolce Vita
My brilliant career Other People's Children Insid Collateral Doctor Zhivago
My Cousin VinnyGood Will Hunting Le Cercle Rouge Here comes Mr. Jordan Paved with Good Intentions
My fair ladyChicago Brooklyn Big Eyes Central Station
NebraskaFour Weddings and a Funeral Fault in Our Stars L.A. Confidential Laura
NetworkElf Being John Malkovich A Christmas Carol Casablanca
Never Rarely Sometimes AlwaysFrozen Oldboy The Counterfeiters Past Lives
NightcrawlerAmerican Fiction In the Heat of the Night Fault in Our Stars Disney's Peter Pan
No Sudden MoveAliens Batman Begins Creed Dances with Wolves
NomadlandAnatomy of a Fall 12 Angry Men My Cousin Vinny Paved with Good Intentions
North by NorthwestHeavenly Creatures Brooklyn Akeelah and the Bee Being John Malkovich
Notting HillEx Machina Fault in Our Stars La Dolce Vita Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
October Sky / Rocket BoysE.T. the Extra Terrestrial Black Panther Double Indemnity Days of Wine and Roses
Of Mice and MenA Man for all Seasons Crazy Stupid Love Collateral A Star is born
Official CompetitionEx Machina Inside out Ex Machina Captain Fantastic
OldboyKillers of the Flower Moon Charlotte's Web Boyz n the Hood Braveheart
On the waterfrontBreakfast at Tiffany's Enough Said Captain America: Civil War Black Panther
One Day All This Will Be YoursDances with Wolves Desk Set El Mariachi Casino Royale
OppenheimerForrest Gump Rear Window Antz Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
OthelloRear Window Babadook Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Cyrano de Bergerac
Out of SightDesk Set Body Heat Crazy Rich Asians Down and out in beverly hills
Paddington 2Harold and Maude Dark City Casino Royale Election
Pan's LabyrinthLord of the Flies Home Alone Boyz n the Hood Gladiator
Past LivesThe Father Do the right thing The Cooler Barefoot in the park
PatersonDead Poets Society Annie Hall Casablanca A Room with a View
Paved with Good IntentionsClockwork Orange Inside Man Juno Do the right thing
PeckerBig Die Hard Creed Cars
Peyton PlaceEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Barefoot in the park Bridget Jones's Diary A Bronx Tale
Pieces of AprilArrival Eastern Promises Aliens Arsenic and old Lace
PigCODA Breaking Away Hamilton Minari
Pillow Talk (Dating Story)Body Heat A Doll's House American History X A Man for all Seasons
Pillow Talk (Manipulation Story)Her Encanto Conspiracy Theory Another Round
PinocchioDragonwyck Other People's Children Black Swan Encanto
Pitch PerfectDarkest Hour City of God (2002) Edge of Tomorrow E.T. the Extra Terrestrial
Planes, Trains, and AutomobilesBooksmart Casino Royale In the company of men Harvey
Planet of the Apes (Human Antagonists)Chinatown Silence of the Lamb Braveheart Minari
Planet of the Apes (Human Protagonists)Pig Never Rarely Sometimes Always Braveheart Godzilla Minus One
PlatoonBreaking Away Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Pig His Girl Friday
Poor ThingsA Bronx Tale The Tragedy of Macbeth Talk to Her The Endless
Pretty WomanI Tonya Being John Malkovich Blade Runner 2049 Eddie the Eagle
Pride and PrejudiceBeasts of no nation Charlotte's Web Inside Man Doubt
Princess BrideAmerican Beauty Brief Encounter Bourne Identity American Sniper
Princess MononokeChip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Blade Runner 2049 Close Enchanted
Professor Marston and the Wonder WomenHer Arsenic and old Lace Central Station Disney's Peter Pan
Promising Young WomanField of Dreams Love and death on long island Doubt My Cousin Vinny
Puss in Boots: The Last WishCreed Blade Runner Eddie the Eagle Being John Malkovich
QuillsA Room with a View I Tonya Ever After Birdman
Quo Vadis, Aida?Michael Clayton Chinatown Gladiator Apt Pupil
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Ark)A Star is born Batman Begins Cars Disney's Peter Pan
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Raiders)Contact Desk Set Aliens Down and out in beverly hills
Rain ManDouble Indemnity Doctor Zhivago Bumblebee Ferris Bu
Rambo: First BloodPig Everything is Illuminated Boyz n the Hood A Bronx Tale
RatatouilleFerris Bueller's Day Off Insid Dark City Enchanted
Rear Window (Dramatica.com)Dead Poets Society Harold and Maude All that Jazz Big Eyes
Rear Window (Hull)The Importance of being Earnest Barefoot in the park Mrs. Miniver Field of Dreams
RebeccaKolya Inherit the Wind Fair Game The Yellow Birds
Rebel without a CauseBlackberry Crazy Stupid Love Close Black Swan
Reservoir Dogs v2Bridesmaids Bull Durham Blade Runner Amelie
Return to MeCentral Station Blade Runner 2049 Dark City Eastern Promises
Revenge of the NerdsNever Rarely Sometimes Always Godzilla Minus One Juno Ash Is Purest White
RockyBraveheart Home Alone Promising Young Woman Oppenheimer
ROMAEncanto Being the Ricardos Disney's Tarzan Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Roman HolidayEnough Said Darkest Hour Arsenic and old Lace Erin Brockovich
Romeo and JulietA Doll's House Die Hard Let the R Ex Machina
Rosemary's babyBlack Panther Bull Durham Laura Annie Hall
RRR (Fueling a Revolution)Darkest Hour Eastern Promises BlacKKKlansman Elf
RRR (Rescuing the Young Girl)Bumblebee Black Panther Other People's Children Arsenic and old Lace
SaltburnBrief Encounter Borat Subsequent Moviefilm As good as it gets Can You Ever Forgive Me?
ScreamBatman Begins Bridesmaids Black Panther Akeelah and the Bee
Se7enCoco Eddie the Eagle Back to the Future Dark City
SearchingDances with Wolves A Christmas Carol Jerry Maguire Booksmart
Searching for Bobby FischerWhen harry met sally Zootopia Rambo: First Blood Inside Man
SerenityArrival Contact Blade Runner 2049 Beauty and the Beast
Shakespeare in loveA Christmas Carol City Slickers Blade Runner 2049 Die Hard
Shall we Dansu?Ex Machina Elf All about Eve Die Hard
She's all thatDark City Black Swan Don't Look Up Captain America: Civil War
Short Term 12All about Eve Blackberry Call Me by Your Name Can You Ever Forgive Me?
ShrekBlade Runner Contact Encanto Call Me by Your Name
SicarioCODA Kolya Pride and Prejudice Gladiator
SickoDogma E.T. the Extra Terrestrial Enough Said Edge of Tomorrow
SidewaysBeing There Big Eyes Four Weddings and a Funeral Knives Out
Silence of the LambsRocky Inside Man Chinatown Michael Clayton
Sing!Don't Look Up Eat Drink Man Woman Body Heat 99 Homes
Singin in the RainCars Blade Runner Blazing Saddles Fault in Our Stars
Sixth SenseAmerican President Contact Bourne Identity A Man for all Seasons
SkyfallDie Hard Black Panther Dope A History of Violence
Sling BladeInsid Elf A Place in the Sun Captain Fantastic
Smoke Signals99 Homes Aliens Being John Malkovich Down and out in beverly hills
SnowpiercerCloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Mrs. Miniver Othello Cyrano de Bergerac
Some like it hotDisney's Tarzan Aliens Blazing Saddles Elf
Sophie's ChoiceA Streetcar named Desire Rebecca Sound of Music I'm thinking of Ending Things
Sound of MetalBumblebee Days of Wine and Roses Ferris Bu Crazy Rich Asians
Sound of Music (Making a Family)Big Election Back to the Future Call Me by Your Name
Sound of Music (Surviving Nazism)Amadeus Peyton Place Mrs. Miniver The Endless
South Park: Bigger, Longer & UncutBig Sick Arsenic and old Lace Bull Durham Aliens
Space SweepersChip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Desk Set Darkest Hour Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Spider-Man HomecomingBlack Panther As good as it gets Bad Trip Eastern Promises
Spider-Man: Into the SpiderversePlatoon Ash Is Purest White Frozen Beasts of no nation
Spirited AwayField of Dreams Promising Young Woman Nomadland His Girl Friday
Splendor in the GrassDonnie Darko Othello The Graduate Luca
SplitBatman Begins Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Amelie A Star is born
SpotlightDie Hard Central Station A Star is born Casablanca
Stalag 17Bad Trip Disney's Tarzan Dark City Call Me by Your Name
Stand by MeChip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers American Sniper Four Weddings and a Funeral City Slickers
Star Trek (2009)Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Eddie the Eagle All that Jazz Blackberry
Star Trek II: Wrath of KhanErin Brockovich Enough Said Bridesmaids Disney's Peter Pan
Star Wars IV - A New Hope (Han)Days of Wine and Roses Die Hard Down and out in beverly hills Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
Star Wars IV - A New Hope (Luke)Contact Coco A History of Violence Aliens
Star Wars V - Empire Strikes Back (Han)Eastern Promises Arrival Black Panther Ferris Bu
Star Wars V - Empire Strikes Back (Luke)Down and out in beverly hills Black Swan Don't Look Up Central Station
Star Wars VI - Return of the JediEl Mariachi Central Station Call Me by Your Name Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
Star Wars VII - The Force AwakensDogma Darkest Hour El Mariachi Dark City
Star Wars VIII - The Last JediArrival Desk Set Dark City Bumblebee
Strangers on a TrainDragonwyck Big Sick Days of Wine and Roses Black Swan
SulaOldboy Everything Everywhere All at Once Field of Dreams The Omen
Sunset BoulevardBrokeback Mountain All about Eve Eastern Promises Cars
Surf's UpBridesmaids Blade Runner 2049 Enchanted A History of Violence
Sweet HereafterLuca Breaking Away Pig Beasts of no nation
Sweet Smell of SuccessBrokeback Mountain A Place in the Sun Dogma Disney's Tarzan
SwingersDown and out in beverly hills All about Eve Doctor Zhivago Dragonwyck
Talk to HerPig My Cousin Vinny Rear Window Hotel Rwanda
TangledCharlotte's Web Luca Mississippi Burning Michael Clayton
Taxi DriverMichael Clayton His Girl Friday Othello Planet of the Apes
Team America: World PoliceBody Heat Double Indemnity City Slickers Batman Begins
Teen Titans Go to the MoviesBeing There Crazy Rich Asians Coco Eddie the Eagle
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant MayhemBumblebee Darkest Hour Akeelah and the Bee Back to the Future
Tender MerciesBoyz n the Hood A Streetcar named Desire Home Alone Revenge of the Nerds
TenetPride and Prejudice Antz The Glass Menagerie Hotel Rwanda
Terms of EndearmentInsid Ingrid Goes West Arsenic and old Lace Big Eyes
The 40-year-old VirginBlackberry Big Eyes Crazy Rich Asians Dances with Wolves
The AbyssRambo: First Blood Inherit the Wind Past Lives Sound of Music
The Accountant (Main)Back to the Future Darkest Hour Booksmart Doctor Zhivago
The Age of InnocencePan's Labyrinth Hotel Rwanda Never Rarely Sometimes Always Sophie's Choice
The ApartmentQuo Vadis, Aida? Here comes Mr. Jordan A Separation Moonlight
The Banshees of InisherinFerris Bueller's Day Off Disney's Peter Pan Being the Ricardos Finding Nemo
The BatmanNever Rarely Sometimes Always Frequency Frozen Bridget Jones's Diary
The Big ChillIda Sicario; Hamilton Cyrano de Bergerac
The Big LebowskiBig Sick Dead Poets Society American History X Brokeback Mountain
The Bucket ListBringing Up Baby A Doll's House Get Out Conspiracy Theory
The Caine MutinyFerris Bueller's Day Off Brief Encounter Coco Bridesmaids
The Color of MoneyBeing There A Man for all Seasons Brief Encounter Heavenly Creatures
The Constant GardenerRambo: First Blood Pig Juno Good Will Hunting
The ContenderHotel Rwanda Bridget Jones's Diary A Few Good Men When Marnie Was There
The ConversationDoctor Zhivago American Sniper Eat Drink Man Woman 99 Homes
The CoolerA Streetcar named Desire It happened one Night Ida As good as it gets
The CounterfeitersField of Dreams Oldboy Auntie Mame Never Rarely Sometimes Always
The CrucibleMississippi Burning A Few Good Men As good as it gets Locke
The Dark HorseErin Brockovich Bad Trip American History X Edge of Tomorrow
The Dark KnightAlmost Famous Akeelah and the Bee Arsenic and old Lace Body Heat
The Dark Knight RisesBlack Panther Eddie the Eagle BlacKKKlansman Captain America: Civil War
The Death of StalinDead Poets Society Four Weddings and a Funeral Enough Said Brokeback Mountain
The DescendantsBlackberry Encanto Akeelah and the Bee Almost Famous
The Devil wears PradaFault in Our Stars Being the Ricardos Other People's Children Days of Wine and Roses
The Dinner GameDope Bringing Up Baby A Room with a View American President
The Disaster ArtistDouble Indemnity Can You Ever Forgive Me? Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Dope
The DiscipleA Doll's House Birdman Aliens Darkest Hour
The EndlessPromising Young Woman Frozen Never Rarely Sometimes Always Ida
The Exorcist (MC Chris)Rocky Breaking Away Revenge of the Nerds Silence of the Lambs
The Exorcist (MC Damian)Lord of the Flies Home Alone In Bruges A Separation
The FarewellSearching for Bobby Fischer 12 Angry Men Sicario Cool Hand Luke
The FatherZootopia Hamilton Godzilla Minus One 12 Angry Men
The Florida ProjectDragonwyck Encanto Encanto Fault in Our Stars
The French ConnectionDie Hard Enough Said Blade Runner 2049 Body Heat
The FugitiveCharlotte's Web Crimson Tide Godzilla Minus One Breaking Away
The GiftDisney's Tarzan Bringing Up Baby A History of Violence Erin Brockovich
The Glass MenagerieInside Man Mrs. Miniver In her Shoes Hamlet
The GodfatherDogma Coco Black Panther Akeelah and the Bee
The GraduateMrs. Miniver Kolya Hotel Rwanda Sophie's Choice
The Great GatsbyA Separation Zootopia Auntie Mame Ida
The Harder They FallEdge of Tomorrow Disney's Tarzan Elf Beauty and the Beast
The HelpDo the right thing Amadeus Witness A Streetcar named Desire
The HoldoversGrease Disney's Peter Pan Being the Ricardos Eve's Bayou
The House of YesWhen Marnie Was There A Few Good Men Chinatown Rambo: First Blood
The Imitation GameCollateral Eddie the Eagle L.A. Confidential Brokeback Mountain
The Importance of being EarnestLocke Searching for Bobby Fischer Lone Star Babadook
The IncrediblesEx Machina Encanto Ferris Bu American Beauty
The Iron ClawBad Trip Eastern Promises 99 Homes Call Me by Your Name
The Iron GiantCloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Oldboy Forrest Gump Home Alone
The Karate KidBody Heat Blade Runner 2049 Body Heat Cars
The King's SpeechBeing the Ricardos Brief Encounter Dead Poets Society Heavenly Creatures
The LEGO Batman Movie Other People's Children Her Central Station Elf
The LighthouseAmerican History X Harold and Maude A Beautiful Mind God of War (2018)
The LimeyBatman Begins Eddie the Eagle Bumblebee Bad Trip
The Lion in WinterFight Club Inside out Blade Runner Bringing Up Baby
The Lion KingCentral Station Birdman Erin Brockovich Eddie the Eagle
The Lives of OthersAliens A Doll's House Ex Machina Bourne Identity
The Lord of the Rings (Books)American Sniper Creed All that Jazz El Mariachi
The Lord of the Rings (Movies)Creed Akeelah and the Bee Die Hard Bridesmaids
The Lost DaughterBlack Swan Dragonwyck Being There A Star is born
The Manchurian candidateBorat Subsequent Moviefilm Heavenly Creatures Disney's Peter Pan Eastern Promises
The MenuKolya Antz Locke A Streetcar named Desire
The Miracle WorkerA Place in the Sun Crazy Rich Asians Jeffrey A Christmas Carol
The Mitchells vs. The MachinesCan You Ever Forgive Me? Die Hard El Mariachi Big
The Odd CoupleBabadook Donnie Darko Poor Things A Streetcar named Desire
The Old Man and the GunDisney's Peter Pan A Beautiful Mind Coco Can You Ever Forgive Me?
The OmenMy Cousin Vinny Lord of the Flies Field of Dreams Luca
The One I LoveBig Eyes Amelie Brooklyn Almost Famous
The Optimist's DaughterInherit the Wind My Cousin Vinny Oppenheimer Forrest Gump
The OthersA Star is born Enough Said A Star is born Edge of Tomorrow
The Palm Beach StoryCan You Ever Forgive Me? Bridesmaids Being John Malkovich Dark City
The Philadelphia ExperimentBoyz n the Hood Here comes Mr. Jordan Antz Pig
The Philadelphia StoryDoubt Hamlet Rocky Braveheart
The Piano LessonAuntie Mame Ash Is Purest White Cool Hand Luke Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The PostmanCrazy Stupid Love Annie Hall All about Eve Enchanted
The Power of the DogBeing John Malkovich In the Heat of the Night Bringing Up Baby Blade Runner
The PrestigeDesk Set As good as it gets Ever After Captain America: Civil War
The ProducersBridesmaids Ever After Candida City of God (2002)
The QueenBeauty and the Beast Blazing Saddles El Mariachi Beauty and the Beast
The Quiet ManDope Body Heat Heavenly Creatures Get Out
The Santa ClauseBeing There Black Swan Elf Call Me by Your Name
The Shape of WaterEverything is Illuminated Good Will Hunting Gladiator Bridget Jones's Diary
The Shawshank RedemptionDunkirk As good as it gets Poor Things As good as it gets
The Social NetworkBeing John Malkovich Get Out A Face in the Crowd Ford v Ferrari
The Station AgentA Christmas Carol Bad Trip Bad Trip Dogma
The StingGrease Being the Ricardos Arrival Captain Fantastic
The Sun Also RisesDisney's Tarzan Birdman Beauty and the Beast Don't Look Up
The TerminatorBlade Runner Almost Famous Eve's Bayou Ghostbusters
The Thin Red LineBig Erin Brockovich Collateral Heavenly Creatures
The Thirteenth FloorBridesmaids Columbus Coco Creed
The Thomas Crown AffairArrival A Star is born Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Captain America: Civil War
The Tragedy of MacbethPeyton Place Lone Star Revenge of the Nerds Gladiator
The Treasure of the Sierra MadreBirdman Arrival Elf Crazy Rich Asians
The Usual SuspectsEver After Central Station Elf Brooklyn
The Vast of NightKolya Revenge of the Nerds Gladiator Rocky
The VerdictCool Hand Luke Moonlight Ash Is Purest White It happened one Night
The Wedding BanquetI Tonya Black Swan Candida A Man for all Seasons
The WifeA Man for all Seasons Beauty and the Beast Edge of Tomorrow A Face in the Crowd
The Wild BunchAs good as it gets Booksmart Call Me by Your Name Encanto
The Wizard of OzDo the right thing Oppenheimer Juno Doubt
The Worst Person in the WorldIngrid Goes West Call Me by Your Name Harold and Maude Let the R
The Yellow BirdsGladiator Pride and Prejudice Sula Never Rarely Sometimes Always
There's something about MaryBrokeback Mountain A Man for all Seasons Fault in Our Stars All about Eve
Thor 3: RagnarokBreakfast at Tiffany's Akeelah and the Bee Close Dogma
Three Billboards outside Ebbing, MissouriColumbus Aliens Eve's Bayou Captain Fantastic
Three KingsDesk Set City of God (2002) Aliens Don't Look Up
Tick, Tick... Boom!Hamilton A Few Good Men Michael Clayton Braveheart
Titanic v1All that Jazz Booksmart Beauty and the Beast Brooklyn
Titanic v2Tick, Tick... Boom! Hamlet It happened one Night Frozen
To Kill a MockingbirdWhen harry met sally Splendor in the Grass Love and death on long island Antz
TootsieCaptain Fantastic Dragonwyck Black Swan Crazy Rich Asians
Top GunCoco Big Can You Ever Forgive Me? Call Me by Your Name
Top Gun: MaverickBody Heat Edge of Tomorrow Big Eyes As good as it gets
Toy Story 2Days of Wine and Roses American Sniper Darkest Hour Dogma
Toy Story 4Charlotte's Web Everything is Illuminated Dunkirk Mississippi Burning
Toy Story v2My Cousin Vinny Le Cercle Rouge My Cousin Vinny Home Alone
Train to BusanDope Another Round Knives Out Batman Begins
TrainwreckBumblebee Can You Ever Forgive Me? All that Jazz Eddie the Eagle
True gritBooksmart Desk Set God of War (2018) City of God (2002)
TwisterA Christmas Carol Back to the Future Another Round Breakfast at Tiffany's
UnforgivenErin Brockovich Blade Runner American History X Enough Said
Up in the AirBeing the Ricardos Chicago Arrival City Slickers
VengeanceFight Club A Room with a View BlacKKKlansman As good as it gets
Victor/VictoriaBrokeback Mountain A Place in the Sun Central Station Eat Drink Man Woman
Volcano (Ixcanul)American Sniper Candida Bad Trip Black Swan
Washington SquareAntz My Cousin Vinny Babadook The Abyss
Welcome to the dollhouseBig Sick Fault in Our Stars Eddie the Eagle Bumblebee
West Side StoryAmerican President Desk Set A Man for all Seasons In the company of men
Whale Rider99 Homes All that Jazz Don't Look Up Captain America: Civil War
What ever happened to baby janeAmerican Beauty Call Me by Your Name Ford v Ferrari Casablanca
What lies beneathCandida Dogma Collateral Desk Set
What's up, Doc?Edge of Tomorrow Cars American Sniper Crazy Stupid Love
When harry met sallyBarefoot in the park Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Searching for Bobby Fischer
When Marnie Was ThereHamlet Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The Exorcist In her Shoes
While we're youngFlorence Foster Jenkins Ingrid Goes West Arsenic and old Lace All that Jazz
While you were SleepingAll about Eve Annie Hall Dark City Bridesmaids
WhiplashAmelie Dead Poets Society Casino Royale Body Heat
White TigerAkeelah and the Bee Eddie the Eagle Eddie the Eagle Call Me by Your Name
Who's afraid of virginia woolf?American Beauty Down and out in beverly hills Darkest Hour Blackberry
Wild Wild CountryCODA His Girl Friday Killers of the Flower Moon Doubt
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate FactoryNomadland The Help Do the right thing Minari
Win WinA Christmas Carol Dogma Akeelah and the Bee Captain America: Civil War
Winter's BoneBull Durham Election Eat Drink Man Woman All that Jazz
Without LimitsInherit the Wind Boyz n the Hood Doubt Breaking Away
WitnessBridget Jones's Diary Pride and Prejudice Barefoot in the park The Endless
WolfwalkersBlack Panther Central Station Creed 99 Homes
Wonder BoysBringing Up Baby Darkest Hour As good as it gets Central Station
Wonder WomanEddie the Eagle Blade Runner 2049 Cars Bridesmaids
Working GirlArsenic and old Lace Blazing Saddles Contact Brooklyn
Wreck-it RalphBlack Panther Creed 99 Homes Darkest Hour
Y tu mama tambienBody Heat Die Hard Bringing Up Baby Collateral
Young frankensteinWhen harry met sally The Crucible 12 Angry Men It happened one Night
Young GunsDesk Set Ever After Darkest Hour Beauty and the Beast
ZombielandDisney's Tarzan Almost Famous A Man for all Seasons Dead Poets Society
ZootopiaEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Amadeus Love and death on long island Quo Vadis, Aida?