Other People's Children (2022) [26272]

By embracing the unending nature of love, you can defy the issues that come with being well thought of by a group and move towards transcendence.

12 Angry Men (1957) [9856]

Keep messing things up by moving towards cross-examination and you can change someone's opinion

45 years (2015) [10696]

Wanting to be wanted puts you in a bad state, distorting your relationships with finding evidence to support an idea. (Looking inside oneself for inner strength amplifies your lower state of emotion, and clouds your relationships with antipathy.)

99 Homes (2014) [16480]

Abandon being a cog in the machine and you can support those you love.

A Beautiful Mind (2001) [16702]

When you get out of your way and abandon assessing something you can have an insight into someone

A Bronx Tale (1993) [29920]

Being open minded about something amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your being respected by others with others.

A Christmas Carol (1843) [18273]

You can succeed in life when you abandon being inconsiderate toward someone

A Doll's House (1879) [22470]

Making an intention of focusing on oneself raises your frequency, while opening you up to address being sensitive with others.

A Face in the Crowd (1957) [22964]

Victimizing yourself with the uncertainty of learning who you really are disconnects you from the outside world, clouding your certainties with shades of realizing someone's potential.

A Few Good Men (1992) [17277]

Abandon being cut-rate and you can bring attention to something.

A History of Violence (2005) [26632]

While severe, you can understand what is going on by focusing on adapting to something.

A Man for all Seasons (1966) [29561]

Vindication awaits those who keep focusing on accepting death, even if it means learning you can't beat the system.

A Place in the Sun (1951) [22836]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of being misinformed, when you get out of your way and being certain you are correct

A Room with a View (1985) [17193]

Abandon keeping oneself under control and you can allow a particular group to do something.

A Separation (2011) [31512]

Keep focusing on being misleading, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of experiencing a complete lack of progress.

A Star is born (1937) [26473]

Keep moving towards being someone's cheerleader and you can achieve anything.

A Streetcar named Desire (1951) [23963]

Isolation disconnects your expectations from the outside world, victimizing you with the uncertainty of rash and impulsive behavior into your experience.

Akeelah and the Bee (2006) [25132]

Keep messing things up by focusing on being intemperate and you can win.

Aliens (1986) [16451]

Abandon being afraid and you can understand how to survive.

All about Eve (1950) [18082]

Allowing your opposition to balance out your support addresses your resistance towards making excuses for one's decisions.

All that Jazz (1979) [28703]

Virtuous are those who keep focusing on challenging everyone, even if it means living in a fantasy.

Ally mcbeal S1E15 (Once in a Lifetime) (1998) [27259]

While severe, you can change the working conditions by disrupting things with your focus on thinking inclusively.

Almost Famous (2000) [24596]

Keep focusing on working outside of acceptable tolerances and you can do things people your own age only dream of.

Amadeus (1984) [31501]

Keep focusing on extrapolating God's intent, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of being haunted by the past.

Amelie (2001) [16830]

Address missing something by balancing your overwhelming judgments with your rethinking your situation.

American Beauty (1999) [22024]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and see things as they truly are, even if it means understanding too little too late.

American Fiction (2023) [17210]

Stop letting someone diminish you, and you'll find yourself getting an idea of how to really speak your mind.

American History X (1998) [20737]

Virtuous are those who fit in with the rest of the world by getting out of their own way and being mindful of a particular group.

American President (1995) [6116]

Intending to shift your being reconsidered by someone towards flirting with someone raises your emotional state of vibration, opening you up to address your being political.

American Sniper (2014) [17756]

You can do remarkable things when you get out of your way, and abandon acting outside of acceptable tolerances.

Anatomy of a Fall (2023) [26887]

Focusing intently on relying on one's perceptions can indeed lead to moments of recollection, yet it carries the risk of personal tragedy. This path might culminate in a profound loss of self, ensnaring one in the throes of regret.

Annie Hall (1977) [21274]

Virtuous are those who act together by determining that things won't work out.

Another Round (2020) [26088]

Being in harmony with letting inhibitions go allows your issues with thinking about one's own interests to help you heal and transcend.

Antz (1998) [16438]

Abandon accepting intolerable circumstances and you can change the working conditions.

Apt Pupil (1998) [17985]

You can recall horrors when you get out of your way, and abandon knowing someone's secrets.

Arrival (2016) [17739]

You can understand how the universe works when you get out of your way, and abandon focusing on how unfair things are.

Arsenic and old Lace (1944) [17445]

You can become part of a family when you abandon being pursued by a stalker.

As good as it gets (Neighbors) (1997) [16491]

Abandon giving in to temptation and you can finish what they started.

As good as it gets (Romance) (1997) [17687]

You can move forward when you get out of your way, and abandon doing things your way.

Ash Is Purest White (2018) [28765]

Vindication awaits those who keep focusing on bringing something to a resolution, even if it means inciting impulsive behavior.

Auntie Mame (1958) [26027]

Free-spirited nature amplifies your higher state of vibration, helping you work your way towards being judgmental with others.

Babadook (2014) [16712]

When you get out of your way and abandon yearning for what was, you can release painful memories.

Back to the Future (1985) [24623]

Keep focusing on being reckless and you can achieve anything.

Bad Trip (2021) [24622]

Keep focusing on controlling something and you can find what you're looking for

Barefoot in the park (1967) [17254]

Abandon being controlled by something and you can fall in love.

Barry S1 (2019) [19486]

While severe, you can pretend to be someone else by abadoning stopping something you're great at.

Batman Begins (2005) [17740]

You can understand how to exact revenge when you get out of your way, and abandon being lawless.

Beasts of no nation (2015) [20499]

Virtuous are those who overcome violent and knee-jerk reactions by calibrating to a moral compass.

Beauty and the Beast (1991) [25647]

Keep moving towards being free and you can change someone

Being John Malkovich (1999) [25630]

Keep moving towards believing something is true and you can act like anyone.

Being the Ricardos (2021) [26972]

While bleak, you can masquerade as something by keeping yourself focused on being lost in a process

Being There (1979) [24900]

Keep messing things up by focusing on your unique way of seeing the world and you can realize an optimistic vision of the future.

Big (1988) [24618]

Keep focusing on holding back and you can find what you're looking for.

Big Eyes (2014) [17943]

You can be famous when you get out of your way, and abandon being misleading about something.

Big Sick (2017) [17976]

You can come up with a new proposition when you get out of your way, and abandon wisecracking.

Birdman (2014) [16471]

If you don't let other people test or examine you, you can do whatever you want, like flying anywhere

Black Mirror S3E1 (Nosedive) (2016) [21526]

Virtue lies in acting outside of acceptable tolerances, even if it means doing something destructive.

Black Mirror S4E1 (U.S.S. Callister) (2017) [24695]

Keep focusing on being forceful toward something and you can make a stand.

Black Panther (2018) [16488]

Abandon steering clear of conflict and you can secure your place in the circle of life.

Black Swan (2010) [17948]

You can be perfect when you get out of your way, and abandon passing a test.

Blackberry (2023) [24086]

When you fail to address someone acting outside of acceptable tolerances, everyone is subjected to the consequences of policing.

BlacKKKlansman (2018) [21524]

Virtue lies in staying true to yourself, even if it means quitting.

Blade Runner (1982) [5478]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and embrace freedom, even if it means becoming more human.

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) [16451]

Abandon longing for what you don't have and you can understand the will to survive.

Blazing Saddles (1974) [25788]

Making something inconsequential into something major amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your doing something inadvisable with others.

Boardwalk Empire S1 (2011) [24448]

When you abandon making allowances for someone, everyone suffers the consequences of inventing a false explanation.

Body Heat (1981) [19045]

While severe, when you get out of your way and abandon chasing after something you can get what they want

Booksmart (2019) [17790]

When you step out of your comfort zone and stop making judgments, you can take the time to reflect on something.

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm (2020) [17428]

You can become a better person when you stop having unconfirmed suspicions about others.

Bourne Identity (2002) [25925]

Keep messing things up by moving towards being more sensitive to others and you can decipher a plot against you.

Boyz n the Hood (1991) [16939]

When you get out of your way and abandon being seduced by someone, you can assure someone's future.

Braveheart (1995) [24673]

Keep focusing on being irrational and you can secure a future.

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) [30565]

Vindication awaits those who keep moving towards holding sway over someone, even if it means becoming something ordinary.

Breaking Away (1979) [24790]

Making waves amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your sense of security with others.

Bridesmaids (2011) [16495]

Abandon being a spoiler for something and you can fix something that is broken

Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) [17067]

Address choosing someone by balancing your overwhelming temptation to cheat with your sense of doing what is right.

Brief Encounter (1945) [20923]

Your reluctance to address the overwhelming nature of doing something inadvisable allows your intention of making the most out of something elevate you into a higher state of emotion.

Bringing Up Baby (1938) [17762]

You can get what they want when you get out of your way, and abandon being rational.

Brokeback Mountain (2005) [31080]

Keep disrupting things by focusing on being wild and reckless about someone, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of losing everything.

Brooklyn (2016) [18096]

Allowing your being rational about things to balance out your overwhelming feelings towards someone addresses your resistance towards obligating oneself.

Buffy S3E13 (The Zeppo) (1999) [17696]

You can reverse catastrophic conditions when you get out of your way, and abandon putting yourself to the test.

Bull Durham (1988) [17114]

Address being a seasoned professional by balancing your overwhelming expectations of others with your determination of which way to go.

Bumblebee (2018) [16488]

Abandon avoiding being tested and you can save something you love

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) [30037]

Vindication awaits those who keep messing things up by moving towards counting on someone, even if it means pretending everything is OK.

Call Me by Your Name (2017) [17587]

Allowing your greater acceptance to balance out your resistance towards someone addresses doing what one is allowed to do.

Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018) [20565]

Virtuous are those who act like themselves by taking blame for something.

Candida (1894) [26439]

Keep moving towards being attractive to someone and you can understand each other.

Captain America: Civil War (2016) [16488]

Abandon holding sway over a particular group and you can split a team apart.

Captain Fantastic (2016) [16819]

Address granting permission to your children by balancing your overwhelming rejection of modern society with your allowance of others to grow on their own.

Cars (2006) [16495]

Abandon dodging detours and you can restore what was lost.

Casablanca (1943) [18278]

You can secure freedom for others when you abandon restraining yourself.

Casino Royale (2006) [16487]

By giving up recklessness, you can successfully catch a thief.

Central Station (1998) [16616]

Address your resistance towards thinking about one's own interests by balancing your overwhelming avoidance of responsibility with your pursuit of an opportunity.

Charlotte's Web (1952) [560]

When you get out of your way and abandon being frenzied, you can secure a future for yourself.

Chicago (2002) [25584]

Lousing up someone amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your satisfying an obligation with others.

Chinatown (1974) [27212]

While severe, you can unearth the past by disrupting things with your focus on focusing on how unfair things are.

Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022) [16495]

If you stop doing things that stand in the way of others, you will be able to help your community

City of God (2002) (2002) [21983]

Making an intention of being detail oriented raises your frequency, while minimizing a reluctance to address noticing small changes toward a new direction with others.

City Slickers (1991) [17900]

Address wanting something by balancing your overwhelming expectation of the worst with your determination of which way to go.

Clockwork Orange (1971) [24672]

Keep focusing on perpetuating something and you can address something declining.

Close (2022) [21696]

Opening yourself up to the possibility of joining a group can help to address any deficiencies you may have, while also allowing you to become more present.

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (2009) [24657]

Keep focusing on formulating an explanation for something and you can reverse catastrophic conditions.

Cobra Kai S1 (2018) [27990]

While severe, you can beat up your enemy by disrupting things with creating a theory for a particular group.

Coco (2017) [24629]

Keep focusing on being open to everyone and you can learn how much you are loved.

CODA (2021) [18349]

Finding a balance between controlling your actions and living freely can help you to not be so quick to judge people who are different from you.

Collateral (2004) [17768]

You can secure something when you get out of your way, and abandon running away.

Columbus (2017) [15844]

Holding back amplifies your lower state of emotion, and clouds your relationships with finding what you're looking for.

Conspiracy Theory (1997) [24904]

Keep messing things up by focusing on self-absorption and you can work out how to stop something.

Contact (1997) [20594]

Virtuous are those who gain new insights by determining something's possibilities.

Cool Hand Luke (1967) [29279]

Vindication awaits those who keep messing things up by focusing on keeping up the fight, even if it means inviting a rash and violent response.

Crazy Rich Asians (2018) [26163]

Keep messing things up by moving towards having potential to be in a particular group and you can give them the idea you're worth it.

Crazy Stupid Love (2011) [25438]

Keep focusing on expecting things will work out and you can act happy.

Creed (2015) [24596]

Keep focusing on pushing beyond the norm and you can fight alongside the best of them.

Crimson Tide (1995) [25880]

Keep adapting to the world around you by deviating from everyone else and you can keep a dangerous situation from declining

Cyrano de Bergerac (1950) [29784]

It takes courage and strength to face challenging times. People who are willing to try new things, even when it might be difficult, are showing that they are brave and strong-willed. By taking on tests and facing difficult circumstances, they are making progress and showing that they have the courage to handle anything life throws at them

Dances with Wolves (1990) [28864]

Re-evaluating one's life distorts your issues with playing by someone else's rules, while keeping you present.

Dark City (1998) [17416]

You can imagine a new life when you abandon seeing something from a particular perspective.

Darkest Hour (2017) [16476]


Days of Wine and Roses (1962) [21106]

Virtuous are those who get the idea that this is not love by getting out of their own way and figuring out something's likeliness.

Dead Poets Society (1989) [20762]

Virtuous are those who fight for what they believe in by getting out of their own way and determining something on their own.

Desk Set (1957) [17908]

Allowing your absolute convictions to balance out your willingness to take a chance on someone addresses your resistance towards taking care of details.

Die Hard (1988) [24623]

Keep focusing on being reckless and you can stop someone from stealing.

Disney's Peter Pan (1953) [25754]

Supposing that dreams can come true puts you in a good state, allowing imagination to run wild

Disney's Tarzan (1999) [24627]

Keep focusing on having great potential and you can learn who you really are.

Do the right thing (1989) [31984]

Staying in harmony with thwarting someone keeps you from growing, allowing worrying about a group's future to challenge relationships.

Doctor Zhivago (1965) [23926]

When you get out of your way and are protective, everyone suffers the consequences of having little insight.

Dogma (1999) [17132]

Address looking out for the greater good by balancing your overwhelming distrust of organized religion with your belief in a higher power.

Don't Look Up (2021) [21524]

Virtue lies in proving something exists even if it means being unable to do something about it

Don't Worry, Darling (2022) [24614]


Donnie Darko (2001) [4556]

Your reluctance to address the overwhelming nature of being suspicious allows your intention of being unpredictable elevate you into a higher state of emotion.

Dope (2015) [16505]

Abandon drawing conclusions about your options and you can learn all you need to know.

Double Indemnity (1944) [31254]

Keep disrupting things by focusing on being fruitful as something, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of faking something.

Doubt (2008) [23665]

When you abandon taking a chance on potentially false beliefs, everyone suffers the consequences of keeping things the same way.

Down and out in beverly hills (1986) [26142]

Keep messing things up by moving towards placing confidence in someone and you can con someone into being what you want them to be.

Dragonwyck (1946) [16784]

Balance your desire for a better life with the risk of losing someone's abilities to address resistance towards self-evaluation.

Dunkirk (2017) [16436]


E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (1982) [17765]

You can return home when you get out of your way, and abandon seeking someone.

Eastern Promises (2007) [24603]

Keep focusing on having an intuition about something and you can protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) [26244]

Managing the unpredictability of life amplifies your higher state of vibration, helping you work your way towards being stuck somewhere with others.

Eddie the Eagle (2015) [24603]

Keep focusing on suspecting someone is not true and you can compete with professionals.

Edge of Tomorrow (2014) [17792]

You can learn how to defeat an enemy when you get out of your way, and abandon refusing to die.

El Mariachi (1992) [20581]

Virtuous are those who become ruthless by stopping running away.

Election (1999) [18667]

Allowing a lower state of emotion makes your unfulfilling temptations more bearable, and addresses looking out for the greater good.

Elf (2003) [25745]

Living up to a standard puts you in a good state, allowing you to address your innate capacity to bring good cheer. (Being truthful amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your innate capacity to bring good cheer with others.)

Encanto (2021) [25622]

Keep receiving the backlash when dealing with the world around you and you can live your dreams

Enchanted (2007) [24613]

Keep focusing on applauding a particular group's efforts and you can find romance.

Enough Said (2013) [17917]

Allowing your resistance towards someone to balance out your willingness to compromise addresses your resistance towards playing by someone else's rules.

Erin Brockovich (2000) [24622]

Keep focusing on holding the reins of something and you can defeat corruption.

ESPN () [27161]


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) [22237]

Making an intention of judging something raises your frequency, while minimizing a reluctance to address having low self-esteem with others.

Eve's Bayou (1997) [32203]

Descending into a lower state of vibration builds resistance with your creating chaos for something, and clouds your relationships with misinterpreting something.

Ever After (1998) [24740]

Skepticism amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your the greater good with others.

Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) [17035]

Address resistance towards interceding for someone by balancing your tendency to treat others unevenly with your commitment to being equitable towards them.

Everything is Illuminated (2005) [17665]

You can revisit one's past when you get out of your way, and abandon being a know-it-all.

Ex Machina (2014) [6412]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of misunderstanding someone's romantic advances, when you get out of your way and being sensitive to someone

Fair Game (2010) [22291]

Virtue lies in telling the truth, even if it means being numb to something.

Fault in Our Stars (2014) [17598]

Allowing your rethinking of options to balance out your estimation of something addresses feeling inadequate.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) [25785]

Being in harmony with reducing life to its simplest form allows your issues with what you should do to help you heal and transcend.

Field of Dreams (1989) [26508]

Tipping the balance in favor of a particular group puts you in a good state, allowing you to address your not being there for someone. (Being a troublemaker amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your intervening for a particular group with others.)

Fight Club (1999) [21513]

Virtue lies in constantly examining oneself even if it means being misunderstood by society

Finding Nemo (2003) [17768]

You can secure your family when you get out of your way, and abandon preventing someone from getting hurt.

Firefly S1E8 (Out of Gas) (2009) [25915]

Keep messing things up by moving towards preserving something and you can survive the day.

Flightplan (2005) [29700]

Vindication awaits those who keep moving towards stirring up trouble for someone, even if it means understanding something a little too late.

Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) [29719]

Working for someone's cause amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your lack of talent with others.

Forbidden Planet (1956) [24612]

Keep focusing on distrusting someone and you can escape a monster.

Ford v Ferrari (Hull) (2019) [32756]

Staying in harmony with answering others keeps you from growing, allowing reinventing yourself to challenge relationships.

Ford v Ferrari (User) (2019) [28630]


Forrest Gump (1994) [29908]

Being in harmony with being intuitive about something allows your issues with being sure of someone to keep you present.

Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) [17191]

Abandon being skeptical about marriage and you can become married.

Frequency (2000) [17675]

You can right the wrongs of the past when you get out of your way, and abandon being treated unfairly.

Frozen (Hull) (2013) [25215]


Galaxy Quest (1999) [16495]

Abandon being troublesome and you can bring everyone home.

Gattaca (1997) [8203]


Get Out (2017) [20746]

Virtuous are those who understand what it takes to survive by getting out of their own way and unfairly attacking others.

Ghost of Tsushima (2020) [18530]

Though the situation may seem bleak, it is only by forsaking a rational sense of how things are related that one can truly win a war.

Ghostbusters (1984) [25947]

Keep messing things up by moving towards being intolerable and you can fight spirits from the other side.

Gladiator (2000) [24673]

Keep focusing on the outside world by following a course of thought and you can secure a legacy

Glee (S1E19) (2011) [25450]

Keep focusing on belief in your dreams and you can transform a particular group.

Glory (1989) [24623]

Continue striving to make progress in the face of external challenges by giving someone the freedom to act and you will ensure a position for everyone.

God of War (2018) (2018) [25955]

As you navigate through life, stay flexible by reflecting on your choices and persisting to complete what you began.

Godzilla Minus One (2023) [16552]

To address obstructing something to delay it, balance your tendency to run away from challenges with your determination to pursue someone or something.

Good Will Hunting (1997) [16928]

When you get out of your way and abandon fighting a particular group, you can expand your world.

Grave of the Fireflies (1988) [22623]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of being part of the fallen, when you ending it all.

Grease (1978) [17429]

You can appear cool when you stop worrying about the consequences of your actions.

Griselda (2024) [22629]

When you destroy something in the effort to prevent something else from happening, everyone bears the tragic consequences.

Groundhog Day (1993) [16512]

Abandon rejecting everything around you and you can learn acceptance.

Hacksaw Ridge (2016) [24622]

Keep focusing on being rigid about your beliefs and you can save the lives of many.

Hamilton (2015) [32353]

Keep disrupting things by focusing on following a course of action, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of having someone else write their story.

Hamlet (1599) [22852]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of keeping the past hidden, when you get out of your way and accepting what you know to be true

Harold and Maude (1971) [21274]

Virtuous are those who rebel against something by choosing for yourself how to live.

Harry Potter (1997) [16450]

Abandon being strong enough to do something and you can comprehend what it takes to defeat someone.

Harvey (1950) [25579]

Finding reality unconvincing puts you in a good state, allowing you to push through resistance and address your commitment to someone. (Skepticism amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your taking a vow with others.)

Heavenly Creatures (1994) [23325]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of doing time, when you being intuitive.

Her (2013) [20876]

Your reluctance to address the overwhelming nature of experiencing difficult circumstances allows your intention of being self-absorbed elevate you into a higher state of emotion.

Here comes Mr. Jordan (1941) [24675]

Keep focusing on being reconsidered and you can look forward to a long life.

His Girl Friday (1940) [16551]

Address your resistance towards prolonging something by balancing your overwhelming resistance with your supportive nature.

Home Alone (1990) [16446]

Abandon listening to criticism and you can put someone's house in order.

Hotel Rwanda (2004) [17725]

You can deal with current events when you get out of your way, and abandon not responding to attacks by someone.

How to train your Dragon (2010) [28736]

Vindication awaits those who keep focusing on convincing others to rethink the situation, even if it means coming up with a new way to live in peace with your enemy.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) [28720]

Vindication awaits those who keep focusing on being bothersome, even if it means becoming incarcerated.

I Love Lucy S2E10 (Lucy is Enceinte) (1952) [16587]

Address your resistance towards being misinterpreted by a particular group by balancing your overwhelming being treated unfairly by someone with your sense of fairness.

I Tonya (2017) [31761]

Keep moving towards tolerating personal and professional abuse, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of doing whatever it takes to survive.

I'm thinking of Ending Things (2020) [22979]

Victimizing yourself with the uncertainty of exploring what happened in your past disconnects you from the outside world, clouding your acknowledgment of what really happened with shades of being preoccupied with how people see you.

I, Robot (2004) [24618]

Amidst the chaos of the outside world, continue to seek connections with something meaningful, and in doing so, you may find yourself freeing someone.

Ida (2013) [21891]

Conforming to an organization's regulations amplifies your higher state of vibration, helping you work your way towards being caught in unavoidable bad situations with others.

In Bruges (2008) [20829]

Virtuous are those who move forward by getting out of their own way and coming to a conclusion about something.

In her Shoes (2005) [25872]

Keep messing things up by moving towards seeing where possibilities may lead and you can heal the pains of the past.

In the company of men (1997) [2838]

While severe, when you abandon tolerating harsh work conditions you can act phony.

In the Heat of the Night (1967) [25650]

Keep moving towards removing all doubt and you can have an insight into something.

Inception (2010) [16966]

Abandon being aware of a particular group's activities and you can understand how the past shapes the present.

Ingrid Goes West (2017) [17433]

You can be famous when you abandon depending on someone.

Inherit the Wind (1960) [20481]

Virtuous are those who remember what is at stake by being overly thoughtful of something.

Inside Man (2006) [16403]

Abandon being misleading and you can address something diminishing.

Inside out (2015) [17419]

You can integrate into a new environment when you abandon overcompensating.

Inside Out 2 (2024) [21695]

Opening yourself up to not just one belief of yourself helps you manage feelings of being insufficient for a group, guiding you down the path of becoming more present.

Into the Blue (2005) [16619]

Address your resistance towards being selfless by balancing your overwhelming tendency to indulge with your conscientious nature.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) [30736]

Keep focusing on speculating about wild conspiracies, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of being caught up in a diabolical plan.

It happened one Night (1934) [28784]

Vindication awaits those who keep focusing on delaying something, even if it means giving in to love.

Jane Eyre (1847) [18093]

Allowing your overwhelming feelings towards someone to balance out your rationale addresses your resistance towards having noblesse oblige.

Jane the Virgin (2015) [17965]

You can transform your life when you get out of your way, and abandon being rational about someone.

Jeffrey (1995) [18280]

You can find romance when you abandon steering clear of something.

Jerry Maguire (Romance) (1996) [26091]

Being unconvinced by someone amplifies your higher state of vibration, helping you work your way towards finding romance with others.

Jerry Maguire (Sports) (1996) [24616]

Keep focusing on contradiction of the status quo and you can win.

Jojo Rabbit (2019) [17430]

You can act like yourself when you abandon being good enough for a particular group.

Jungle Book (1967) (1967) [25647]

Keep moving towards living free of restraints and you can mature into someone.

Jungle Book (2016) (2016) [24604]

Keep focusing on forming an opinion about someone and you can survive in the jungle.

Juno (2007) [24810]

Limiting beliefs amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your greater openness with others.

Just like Heaven (2005) [16584]

Address your resistance towards seeing things that aren't there by balancing your overwhelming reliance on what you see with your acknowledgment of what is truly there.

Kajillionaire (2020) [17427]

You can be a part of something real when you abandon being in a particular group with an overly destructive process

Killers of the Flower Moon (2023) [30811]

If we continue to believe that the outside world must hide the truth, we'll all face the dire outcomes of relying solely on our instincts.

King Kong (2005) [22632]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of devolving, when you chasing something.

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) [16494]

Abandon seeking help from someone and you can save the world.

Klute (1971) [25611]

Keep moving towards being desirable and you can unravel someone's scheme.

Knives Out (2019) [16655]

When you get out of your way and abandon guessing what might happen, you can integrate into a new environment.

Kolya (1996) [16923]

When you get out of your way and abandon judging someone, you can weather chaotic times.

Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) [16993]

When you get out of your way and abandon pondering what is best for someone, you can secure your family.

Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) [16582]

Address your resistance towards being sensitive by balancing your overwhelming responsiveness to others with your practicing self-care.

Kung Fu Panda (2008) [24622]

Keep focusing on dominating a particular group and you can defeat your enemy.

L.A. Confidential (1997) [21861]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and prevent corruption, even if it means becoming corrupt.

La Belle et la Bete (1946) [16614]

Address your resistance towards being self-serving by balancing your overwhelming domination of someone with your willingness to let someone go.

La Dolce Vita (1960) [22968]

Victimizing yourself with the uncertainty of learning how bad things really are disconnects you from the outside world, clouding your sense of initiative with shades of being goaded into action.

La La Land (2016) [17942]

You can live your dreams when you get out of your way, and abandon being passable.

Lady Bird (2017) [16640]

Address your resistance towards following someone else's rules by balancing your overwhelming rejection of everything around you with your acceptance of something.

Laura (1944) [24912]

Keep messing things up by focusing on guessing why a particular group is doing something and you can piece together a conspiracy.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962) [19200]

Allowing a lower state of emotion makes your unfulfilling repudiation more bearable, and addresses your resistance towards imposing restrictions.

Le Cercle Rouge (1970) [27931]


Leave No Trace (2018) [22174]

Making an intention of prolonging the inevitable raises your frequency, while minimizing a reluctance to address giving constant attention with others.

Legally Blonde (2001) [26149]

Keep complimenting a group when dealing with the world around you and you can change into someone praiseworthy

Lego Movie (2014) [17457]

When you get out of your way and abandon being sure, you can conceive something fresh.

Let the Right One in (2008) [17898]

Allowing your personal indulgence to balance out your personal restraint addresses your resistance towards taking care of others.

Licorice Pizza (2021) [18075]

When you're trying to decide if someone is trustworthy, it's important to not just take them at their word. You should be careful and look into the person's background to make sure they are who they say they are. But at the same time, if you expect the worst of people, it can stop you from wanting to live a fulfilling life. So, it's important to strike a balance between vetting someone and expecting the worst of them

Life is Beautiful (Father/Son) (1997) [24604]

Keep focusing on being determined and you can survive unspeakable horrors.

Life is Beautiful (Romance) (1997) [24596]

Keep focusing on someone acting outside of acceptable tolerances and you can keep them laughing.

Like Water for Chocolate (1992) [26285]

Giving a helping hand to someone amplifies your higher state of vibration, helping you work your way towards obligations with others.

Little Miss Sunshine (2006) [17424]

When you stop wanting more, you can begin to figure out where you fit in.

Little Women (2019) [25759]

Testing oneself amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your wishing for something with others.

Locke (2013) [29496]

Virtuous are those who focus on making inferences about someone while making the most of the present moment.

Logan (2017) [16478]

Abandon bringing something to an end and you can fight alongside the best of them.

Loki S1 (2021) [18507]

However bleak, when you abandon favoring someone over someone else you can understand what is really going on

Lolita (1955) [20759]

Virtuous are those who protect someone by getting out of their own way and being truthful about your feelings.

Lone Star (1996) [20816]

Virtuous are those who dig up a particular group's past by getting out of their own way and seeking stability in something.

Looper (2012) [16485]

Abandon being pursued and you can stop someone from stealing.

Lord of the Flies (1954) [27955]

While severe, you can survive the day by disrupting things with going with the improbable.

Love and death on long island (1997) [25207]

Keep messing things up by focusing on reacting inappropriately and you can get by.

Luca (2021) [17847]

Allowing your being accepted by a group to balance out your running counter to general consensus addresses resistance towards seeking forbidden fruit.

Mad Max Fury Road (2015) [16488]

Abandon running away and you can break free from tyranny.

Manchester by the Sea (2016) [22800]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of understanding some things weren't meant to be, when you get out of your way and being response-able

Marriage Story (2019) [17185]

Abandon dealing with something and you can mature into something better.

Marty (1955) [17976]

You can get an idea of what is best for you when you get out of your way, and abandon reacting inappropriately.

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel S1 (2018) [25946]

Keep messing things up by moving towards doing your very best and you can perform at a master level.

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel S1E1 (2018) [21526]

Virtue lies in deviating from the norm, even if it means telling dirty and offensive jokes.

Matrix (1999) [17132]

Address doing right by others by balancing your overwhelming self-doubts with your personal truth.

Mean Girls (2004) [25748]

Not fitting in with a clique puts you in a good state, allowing you to address your being able to be part of a group. (Being wrong amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your fitting in with others.)

Memento (2000) [26949]

While severe, you can devise a way to alleviate personal guilt by disrupting things with your focus on being aware of everything around you.

Men in Black (1997) [24596]

Continue to combat external forces that are operating beyond acceptable limits in order to safeguard everyone.

Michael Clayton (2007) [21011]

Virtuous are those who stop living on the edge by getting out of their own way and being truthful.

Midnight Cowboy (1969) [20762]

Virtuous are those who work a regular job by getting out of their own way and coming to a conclusion about a particular group.

Midnight Run (1988) [4712]


Mildred Pierce (2011) [23556]

Without having authoritative certainty, everyone is at risk of misinterpreting the meaning of something, leading to potential consequences.

Minari (2020) [20502]

People who act in a morally good way often do so without having to think about it. They just instinctively follow a set of guidelines that benefit everyone in the group

Minority Report (2002) [17766]

You can bring down a corrupt system when you get out of your way, and abandon controlling someone.

Miss pettigrew lives for a day (2008) [29726]

Vindication awaits those who keep moving towards being trustworthy, even if it means doing something constructive.

Missing Link (2019) [17430]

You can be a good person when you abandon being within tolerances for a particular group.

Mississippi Burning (1988) [25823]

Focusing on the journey amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your misgivings with others.

Mister roberts (1955) [25622]

Keep moving towards having an effect on someone and you can acts legendary.

Moana (2016) [24623]

Keep focusing on the outside world by living without restraint and you can restore something

Moneyball (2011) [20578]

Virtuous are those who win by getting an impression.

Monsters Inc. (2001) [16664]

When you get out of your way and abandon causing something, you can act content.

Moonlight (2016) [17847]

Allowing your acceptance of yourself to balance out your being rejected addresses your resistance towards having chemistry with someone.

Moonstruck (1987) [17963]

You can are married when you get out of your way, and abandon indulging in something.

Motherv1 (2009) [18499]


Motherv2 (2009) [22595]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of pinning a crime on the wrong person, when you having an aptitude for something.

Moulin Rouge! (2001) [31208]

Being free puts you in a bad state, distorting your relationships with being overly possessive. (Letting inhibitions go lowers your state of emotional vibration, and clouds your relationships with accountability.)

Mr. smith goes to washington (1939) [25663]

Keep moving towards providing refuge for something and you can inspire a nation.

Mrs. Miniver (1942) [28054]

Descending into a lower state of vibration builds resistance with your negative outcomes, and clouds your relationships with insecurity.

My best friends wedding (1997) [5488]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and are loyal to someone, even if it means marring someone.

My big fat greek wedding (2002) [17203]

Abandon falling outside a particular group's tolerances and you can inspire others towards something new.

My brilliant career (1979) [29675]

Being skeptical about marriage raises your state of emotional vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your commitments.

My Cousin Vinny (1992) [16941]


My fair lady (1964) [9873]

Being good enough for someone raises your state of emotional vibration, helping you work through being adaptable with others.

My so called life S1E12 (Self-Esteem) (1994) [24989]

Breakups raise your state of emotional vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and open up the path towards higher self-esteem.

Nebraska (2013) [20783]

Virtuous are those who transform your life by getting out of their own way and chasing someone's dreams.

Network (1976) [19369]

Allowing a lower state of emotion makes your unfulfilling deregulations more bearable, allowing you to address accountability.

Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020) [17844]


Nightcrawler (2014) [25650]

Keep moving towards having no doubt about yourself and you can abstain from something.

No Sudden Move (2021) [20581]

Virtuous are those who become a different person by steering clear of something

Nomadland (2020) [27716]

While bleak, you can live with the memories of what was lost by moving towards improving one's situation

North by Northwest (1959) [25618]

Keep moving towards being relevant to a particular group and you can impersonate someone.

Notting Hill (1999) [16673]

When you get out of your way and abandon ruminating about something, you can transform your life.

October Sky / Rocket Boys (1999) [24624]

Keep focusing on the outside world by creating trouble and you can obtain independence

Of Mice and Men (1937) [22793]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of having a misunderstanding, when you get out of your way and paying attention to one's own needs

Official Competition (2021) [19386]

If you focus too much on reducing someone else, instead of producing something yourself, you may find yourself feeling unfulfilled. Taking the easy way out and doing something inadvisable won't help you grow and reach your goals

Oldboy (2003) [18572]

Clinging to desires that intervene in life's natural course leads to temporary victories, but ultimately traps you in a cycle of stagnation and regret.

On the waterfront (1954) [16461]

Abandon doing the same thing one has always done and you can are understood.

One Day All This Will Be Yours (2021) [16488]

If you stop trying to stop someone from doing something, you can make sure things happen on your own timeline

Oppenheimer (2023) [20038]

Even in the darkest times, painful memories can surface when you stop obsessing over details and let go of being overly aware of something.

Othello (1604) [23664]

When you abandon doing what one should for someone, everyone suffers the consequences of not having a future.

Out of Sight (1998) [25131]

Keep messing things up by focusing on being romantic and you can steal the jewels.

Paddington 2 (2017) [25623]

Keep moving towards doing for others and you can be kind to others.

Pan's Labyrinth (2006) [20509]

Virtuous are those who change with the times by testing oneself.

Past Lives (2023) [31622]

While it might seem essential, the constant quest to see if something is for real can halt your personal development in its tracks, burdening your current relationships with the heavy shadows of revisiting past lives.

Paterson (2016) [16783]

Address having no sense of self by balancing your overwhelming speculations of what you might be with your anticipations.

Paved with Good Intentions (2006) [16392]


Pecker (1998) [24748]

Personal indulgence raises your state of emotional vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your greater generosity.

Peyton Place (1957) [26332]

Being risk-averse raises your state of emotional vibration, helping you work through finding what you're looking for with others.

Pieces of April (2003) [24593]

Keep focusing on being good enough for someone and you can do anything.

Pig (2021) [22537]

People who care deeply about someone and remember them are doing something noble and special

Pillow Talk (Dating Story) (1959) [25951]

Keep messing things up by moving towards making judgments about someone and you can date the love of your life.

Pillow Talk (Manipulation Story) (1959) [24929]

Keep messing things up by focusing on pursuing what you want and you can become married.

Pinocchio (1940) [17449]

You can transform into someone when you abandon being manipulated.

Pitch Perfect (2012) [17768]

You can win when you get out of your way, and abandon avoiding your dreams.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987) [17792]

You can learn what is most important during the holidays when you get out of your way, and abandon rejecting everything around you.

Planet of the Apes (Human Antagonists) (1968) [18496]

While severe, when you abandon being overly protective you can survive the day.

Planet of the Apes (Human Protagonists) (1968) [30976]

Rethinking something lowers your state of emotional vibration, making it easier for dubious efforts to persist.

Platoon (1986) [23188]

Victimizing yourself with the uncertainty of rash and impulsive behavior disconnects you from the outside world, clouding your recognition of truth with shades of being untried in combat.

Poor Things (2023) [25003]

Embracing the life of a free spirit, though essential, presents its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining hope. Yet, it's this very journey that guides you towards a higher state of being.

Pretty Woman (1990) [26157]

Keep messing things up by moving towards giving advice and you can transform something.

Pride and Prejudice (1813) [17067]

Address making up someone's mind about something by balancing your overwhelming temptation to be critical of others with your conscience.

Princess Bride (1987) [16702]

When you get out of your way and abandon underestimating love, you can prevent everyone from getting the wrong idea.

Princess Mononoke (1997) [24725]

Failing results raises your state of emotional vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your seeking higher truths with others.

Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017) [17961]

You can change into something else when you get out of your way, and abandon domineering.

Promising Young Woman (2020) [24773]

Obsessive awareness distorts your issues with promising bright futures, while helping you heal and transcend.

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) [16488]

If you stop trying to run away from something, you might find friendship.

Quills (2000) [23558]

When you abandon being confused, everyone suffers the consequences of not understanding something.

Quo Vadis, Aida? (2020) [30807]

Keep focusing on the outside world by causing a group to do something and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of being unresponsive

Raiders of the Lost Ark (Ark) (1981) [17009]

When you get out of your way and abandon being sure of something, you can unlock a true mystery.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (Raiders) (1981) [20581]

Virtuous are those who recover a treasure by stopping the hunt.

Rain Man (1988) [20582]

Virtuous are those who acquire a large sum of money by letting someone go.

Rambo: First Blood (1982) [20533]

Virtuous are those who make people conscious of something by counterattacking someone

Ratatouille (2007) [25653]

Keep moving towards toleration of haters and you can inspire great affection for your talents.

Rear Window (Dramatica.com) (1954) [17544]

Allowing your realizing something about someone to balance out your slanted view of someone addresses being in a dangerous situation.

Rear Window (Hull) (1954) [16841]

Address resistance towards having a gut feeling about someone by balancing your overwhelming classifying someone with your creating pandemonium

Rebecca (1940) [17804]

Allowing your unique ability to make something happen to balance out your passion for someone addresses your resistance towards saving something from premature destruction.

Rebel without a Cause (1955) [25628]

Keep moving towards making judgments about someone and you can are part of a happy and functional family.

Reservoir Dogs v2 (1992) [32109]

Keep disrupting things by moving towards being helpless, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of being dead.

Return to Me (2000) [24752]

Making things difficult raises your state of emotional vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your being judgmental with others.

Revenge of the Nerds (1984) [24688]

Keep focusing on getting in the way and you can establish a bright future for everyone.

Rocky (1976) [12883]

Vindication awaits those who keep messing things up by focusing on being untried in combat, even if it means falling back on guts and stamina.

ROMA (2018) [25735]

Reading things a particular way raises your state of emotional vibration, allowing you to address your difficult situation.

Roman Holiday (1953) [20581]

Virtuous are those who acquire a large sum of money by avoiding success.

Romeo and Juliet (1595) [27994]

While severe, you can cease fighting by disrupting things with being more tolerant.

Rosemary's baby (1968) [18412]

Allowing your belief in a higher power to balance out your incredulity addresses looking out for someone.

RRR (Fueling a Revolution) (2022) [16485]

Stop attempting to achieve something and you can secure freedom for others.

RRR (Rescuing the Young Girl) (2022) [16487]

Give up living free and you can restore a family.

Saltburn (2023) [17424]

You can figure out how something should be done when you stop admiring someone.

Scream (1996) [16583]

Address your resistance towards being paralyzed by a particular group by balancing your overwhelming self-absorption with your responsiveness to others.

Se7en (1995) [22635]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of becoming vengeful, when you being temperate toward someone.

Searching (2018) [17735]

You can realize someone's intentions when you get out of your way, and abandon being self-absorbed

Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993) [26337]

Rationale raises your state of emotional vibration, helping you work through unreasonable hopes.

Serenity (2005) [24614]

Keep focusing on pursuing something and you can find something.

Sex and the City S2E1 (Take Me Out to the Ballgame) (2001) [31054]

Keep disrupting things by focusing on finding equilibrium, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of misunderstanding something.

Shakespeare in love (1998) [16474]

Abandon living up to other's expectations and you can write something moving.

Shall we Dansu? (1996) [25637]

Keep moving towards showing support for something you love and you can transform your life.

She's all that (1999) [29732]

Vindication awaits those who keep moving towards refusing to accept, even if it means losing something.

Short Term 12 (2013) [17545]

Allowing your self-reflection to balance out your responsiveness to others addresses experiencing difficult circumstances.

Shrek (2001) [24623]

Keep focusing on being a free spirit and you can save someone.

Sicario (2015) [22590]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of not thinking of our relationships with others, when you having to be re-evaluated for something.

Sicario v1 (2015) [18494]


Sicko (2007) [18278]

You can fix something that is broken when you abandon constraining a particular group.

Sideways (2004) [4511]

Your reluctance to address the overwhelming nature of over-thinking something allows your calling something off to shift towards prolonging the inevitable, elevating you into a higher state of emotion.

Silence of the Lambs (1991) [26719]

While severe, you can turn things around by focusing on following procedure.

Simpsons S1E9 (Life on the Fast Lane) (1991) [17950]

You can are happily married when you get out of your way, and abandon calling something off.

Sing! (2016) [25617]

Keep moving towards tolerating the naysayers and you can be stars.

Singin in the Rain (1952) [16456]

Abandon appearing to be something you're not and you can understand how to stay relevant.

Six Feet Under S1E1 (2001) [17451]

You can create a new family dynamic when you abandon succumbing to someone's temptations.

Sixth Sense (1999) [18376]

Allowing your acknowledgement of what is really going on to balance out your false-perceptions addresses having a sixth sense about something.

Skyfall (2012) [16476]

Abandon being inadequate for a particular group and you can fight global terrorism.

Sling Blade (1996) [20752]

Those who are virtuous recognize that some things are not meant to be, and they strive to be humble and accept that they are unable to control the outcome.

Smoke Signals (1998) [16454]

Abandon being sensitive to one's peers and you can understand your journey towards self-destruction.

Snowpiercer (2013) [22662]

Allowing the uncertainty of repressed memories into your experience disconnects you from the outside world, clouding your volatility with shades of keeping things the same.

Some like it hot (1959) [16598]

Address your resistance towards lacking skills at something by balancing your overwhelming gullibleness with your willingness to give someone a tryout.

Sophie's Choice (1982) [21896]

Intending to shift your acknowledgment of what really happened towards sugarcoating raises your emotional state of vibration, minimizing your reluctance to address your predictions.

Sound of Metal (2019) [20602]

Virtuous are those who 'get' something by making the most of someone else's potential

Sound of Music (Making a Family) (1965) [25091]

Keep messing things up by focusing on being mindful of a particular group and you can appreciate what they have.

Sound of Music (Surviving Nazism) (1965) [20957]

Your reluctance to address the overwhelming nature of worthiness allows your choosing for yourself to shift towards expectation of the worst, elevating you into a higher state of emotion.

South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) [26172]

Keep messing things up by moving towards making a big deal of something and you can invent something spectacular.

Space Sweepers (2021) [16485]

If you stop trying to get something you want, it can help you to defeat an enemy. Instead of chasing after something, focus on getting rid of what's standing in your way

Spider-Man Homecoming (2017) [16503]

Abandon being overly protective of something and you can learn one's true potential.

Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (2018) [16410]

Abandon living up to other's expectations and you can move things in a positive direction.

Spirited Away (2001) [16440]

Abandon reacting poorly and you can live in the moment with someone.

Splendor in the Grass (1961) [21485]

Opening yourself up to address being in denial, allows your abstinence to shift towards personal indulgences, elevating you into a higher state of emotion.

Split (2016) [21883]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and reduce opportunities for abuse, even if it means learning your true potential.

Spotlight (2015) [26487]

Keep moving towards establishing something's likeliness and you can report the truth.

Stalag 17 (1953) [16497]

Abandon being certain of someone's loyalties and you can discover the intentions of someone.

Stand by Me (1986) [22378]

Virtue lies in baiting someone, even if it means getting what you set out for.

Star Trek (2009) (2009) [24615]

Keep focusing on stopping the bad guys and you can save the world.

Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan (1982) [16485]

Abandon seeking revenge and you can save the lives of many

Star Trek TNG S7E25+26 (All Good Things...) (1994) [16460]

Abandon being disorganized and you can understand how the universe works.

Star Wars IV - A New Hope (Han) (1977) [20581]

Virtuous are those who pay off debts by stopping someone.

Star Wars IV - A New Hope (Luke) (1977) [16471]

Abandon trying to validate yourself and you can fight an Empire.

Star Wars V - Empire Strikes Back (Han) (1980) [24604]

Keep focusing on forming conclusions based on circumstantial evidence and you can transport cargo.

Star Wars V - Empire Strikes Back (Luke) (1980) [23575]

When you abandon being passable as something, everyone suffers the consequences of retreating.

Star Wars VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) [24637]

Keep focusing on seeing the goodness in someone and you can teach them the truth about someone.

Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens (2015) [16493]

Abandon supporting an evil cause and you can restore a rebellion.

Star Wars VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) [28718]

Keep focusing on being rigid about your beliefs and you can spark a rebellion.

Strangers on a Train (1951) [17419]

You can avoid entanglement in dangerous schemes when you stop engaging in creating disparity.

Succession S1E1 (2018) [20029]

However bleak, you can come up with a deceptive idea when you get out of your way and abandon being unlikely

Succession S1E2 (2018) [28223]

While bleak, you can get the idea to try something else by disrupting things with preventing one's concerns from being vulnerable to interference

Sula (1973) [21933]

Intending to shift your embracing freedom towards restraint raises your emotional state of vibration, minimizing your reluctance to address your being prejudiced.

Sunset Boulevard (1950) [21519]

Virtue lies in figuring out what will probably be, even if it means realizing career ambitions.

Surf's Up (2007) [28709]

Vindication awaits those who keep focusing on being supportive of something, even if it means being transformed by something.

Sweet Hereafter (1997) [30796]

Keep focusing on being treated unfairly, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of suppressing memories about someone.

Sweet Smell of Success (1957) [31799]

Keep moving towards striking back, and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of learning someone's deceptions.

Swingers (1996) [16676]

When you get out of your way and abandon having second thoughts about someone you can grow apart from someone.

Talk to Her (2002) [21808]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and take control, even if it means securing a future with the one you love.

Tangled (2010) [24829]


Tangled S1 (2017) [24591]

Keep focusing on looking inward and you can understand your destiny.

Taxi Driver (1976) [16919]

When you get out of your way and abandon making things run smoothly, you can change things around.

Team America: World Police (2004) [17889]

Allowing your willingness to reconsider options to balance out your inconsiderate nature addresses your resistance towards being straightforward.

Teen Titans Go to the Movies (2018) [17430]

You can be heroic when you abandon being passable as a particular group.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023) [24623]

By maintaining a frenzied dedication in your battle against external forces, you stand a chance of securing a critical victory.

Tender Mercies (1983) [16899]

When you get out of your way and abandon creating turmoil, you can reclaim their past.

Tenet (2020) [17670]

You can discover one's past when you get out of your way, and abandon living in a routine.

Terms of Endearment (1983) [29871]

Letting go raises your state of emotional vibration, allowing you to address your taking responsibility for someone with others.

The 40-year-old Virgin (2005) [17955]

You can grow up when you get out of your way, and abandon being opposed to something.

The Abyss (1989) [25887]

By persistently adapting to the ever-changing world and trusting your instincts about a certain group, you'll find yourself steadily making progress.

The Accountant (Main) (2016) [17731]

You can understand what is going on when you get out of your way, and abandon having special skills.

The Age of Innocence (1993) [20231]

You can maintain the status quo of the past when you abandon being adaptive.

The Americans (Pilot) (2014) [24786]

Needing proof amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your fact-finding mission with others.

The Apartment (1960) [22298]

Virtue lies in determining it's not worth it, even if it means not moving up the corporate ladder.

The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) [18733]

No matter how hard things may seem, when you stop trying to find the perfect child-like connections and just let go of these mistakes you can take control of your life.

The Batman (2022) [18444]

However bleak, when you abandon craving something you can address something hidden in the past

The Big Chill (1983) [16400]

Abandon being incompetent and you can get over an idealized past.

The Big Lebowski (1998) [29152]

Abiding raises your state of emotional vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and open up the path towards thinking of better times with others.

The Bucket List (2007) [25949]

Keep messing things up by moving towards completing something and you can do everything.

The Caine Mutiny (1954) [21539]

Virtue lies in supporting a mutiny, even if it means losing something.

The Color of Money (1986) [21269]

Virtuous are those who compete by being an instigator of something.

The Constant Gardener (2005) [20499]

Virtuous are those who respond appropriately about something by revealing the truth.

The Contender (2000) [26047]

Remaining feasible for a particular group amplifies your higher state of vibration, helping you work your way towards being unsavory to a particular group with others.

The Conversation (1974) [22600]


The Cooler (2003) [22319]

Virtue lies in doing favors for a particular group, even if it means being heartbroken.

The Counterfeiters (2007) [18240]

You can cope with the current state of affairs when you abandon protecting oneself from a particular group.

The Crucible (1953) [20810]

Virtuous are those who hide someone's past by getting out of their own way and adapting to a particular group.

The Dark Horse (2014) [9564]

Keep messing things up by moving towards being lost in a game and you can compete against anyone.

The Dark Knight (2008) [18528]

While severe, when you abandon serving vigilante justice to only the criminals you can protect a city.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) [20554]

Virtuous are those who plan an escape by showing favoritism for oneself.

The Death of Stalin (2017) [20757]

Virtuous are those who are beloved by getting out of their own way and instigating something.

The Descendants (2011) [1593]

You can conceive a new family legacy when you get out of your way, and abandon responding passively to something.

The Devil wears Prada (2006) [30238]

Vindication awaits those who keep messing things up by moving towards taking things at face value, even if it means doing menial work.

The Dinner Game (1998) [21870]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and spoil all the fun, even if it means becoming a nicer person.

The Disaster Artist (2017) [25136]

Keep messing things up by focusing on resisting criticism and you can win over everyone.

The Disciple (2020) [22750]

Allowing the uncertainty of emulating someone into your experience disconnects you from the outside world, clouding your being eternal with shades of calling something off.

The Endless (2017) [18205]

You can improve one's situation when you abandon not trusting someone.

The Exorcist (MC Chris) (1973) [24803]

Reconsidering amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to break through resistance, and address your being broad minded with others.

The Exorcist (MC Damian) (1973) [17827]

Allowing your belief in something to balance out your refusal to accept someone addresses your resistance towards being tolerant of bad behavior.

The Farewell (2019) [17632]

Allowing your positive expectations to balance out your determination of what is best for someone addresses doing something worthwhile.

The Father (2020) [22139]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and surrender even if it means having no sense of the present

The Florida Project (2017) [24082]

When you get out of your way and keep things going for someone, everyone suffers the consequences of having someone else raise our children.

The French Connection (1971) [26643]

While severe, you can root out what is hidden by focusing on being suspicious of everything.

The Fugitive (1993) [25189]

Keep messing things up by focusing on guiding someone to the real killer and you can stay out of jail for the rest of your life.

The Gift (2000) [16455]

Abandon focusing on oneself and you can have an insight into something.

The Glass Menagerie (1944) [32673]

Descending into a lower state of vibration builds resistance with your supportive nature, making it easier for procrastination to persist.

The Godfather (1972) [19043]

While severe, when you get out of your way and abandon being emotional you can take over

The Graduate (1967) [22312]

Virtue lies in pursuing what you want, even if it means being sad.

The Great Gatsby (1925) [21353]

Virtuous are those who have no future in something by finding a particular group false.

The Harder They Fall (2021) [18533]

However bleak, when you abandon hunting someone you can get revenge

The Help (2011) [16890]

Balancing your tolerance of a group with your resistance to being reappraised by someone helps address any resistance you may feel towards the judgments of others.

The Holdovers (2023) [19242]

Despite the grim outlook, the moment you let go of being overly concerned with a judging a group, you open the door towards becoming a better version of yourself.

The House of Yes (1997) [25795]

Being contemplative amplifies your higher state of vibration, allowing you to address your being honest with something with others.

The Imitation Game (2014) [28497]

While severe, you can outmaneuver an enemy by moving towards receiving a backlash from something.

The Importance of being Earnest (1952) [17247]

Abandon leaving things open-ended and you can embrace impulses.

The Incredibles (2004) [25629]

Keep moving towards pulling the plug on the bad guys and you can act extraordinary.

The Iron Claw (2023) [16478]

If you abandon finishing something, you can protect your family.

The Iron Giant (1999) [24670]

Keep focusing on pointing out the results of thoughtless actions and you can reverse the progress of an oncoming war.

The Karate Kid (1984) [16487]

Abandon being unguided and you can win a contest

The King's Speech (2010) [17175]

Abandon being inadequate for something and you can are leaders.

The LEGO Batman Movie (2017) [17436]

You can are heroic when you abandon challenging everyone.

The Lighthouse (2019) [22790]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of understanding what it means to exist, when you get out of your way and manifesting bedlam

The Limey (1999) [20581]

Virtuous are those who become a different person by stopping the hunt.

The Lion in Winter (1968) [20752]

Virtuous are those who understand they can't allow themselves to destroy what they love by getting out of their own way and embracing being well suited to be king.

The Lion King (1994) [16488]

Abandon running away and you can reclaim a throne.

The Lives of Others (2006) [18302]

You can learn everything there is to know about someone when you abandon surveying a particular group.

The Lord of the Rings (Books) (1954) [25132]

Amidst the chaos of the outside world, being lured into bad behavior by something can paradoxically become a path to liberating someone.

The Lord of the Rings (Movies) (2001) [25260]

When faced with a tempting situation, it can be hard to be compassionate and make the right decision. But if you do make the right choice, it can be a rewarding experience that helps you to grow.

The Lost Daughter (2021) [20927]

Opening yourself up to being judged by others manages being inadequate at something, while sending you down the path of becoming more present.

The Manchurian candidate (1962) [31876]

Descending into a lower state of vibration builds resistance with your unpredictability, making it easier for a loss of bearing to persist.

The Menu (2022) [29964]

Those who are virtuous remember their identity and use it to create a positive impact on the world by tipping the balance in favor of a group.

The Miracle Worker (1962) [24953]

Keep resisting by focusing yourself on accepting intolerable circumstances and you can get someone to conceive an idea.

The Mitchells vs. The Machines (2021) [24630]

Keep focusing on the outside world by being proactive about something and you can learn how good things really are

The Odd Couple (1968) [17404]

When reconsidering something, it is important to balance your enthusiastic exploration of new possibilities with the application of deductive reasoning.

The Old Man and the Gun (2018) [25631]

Keep moving towards testing the limits of what you can get away with and you can live a long and happy life.

The Omen (1976) [23815]

When you get out of your way and keep traditions with a particular group, everyone suffers the consequences of forgetting what is at stake.

The One I Love (2014) [27679]

While severe, you can have someone be what you want them to be by moving towards testing their loyalty.

The Optimist's Daughter (1972) [20609]

Opening yourself up to address suffering a twist of fate, allows your what you know to shift towards contemplations, elevating you into a higher state of emotion.

The Others (2001) [17864]

Allowing your acknowledgement of what is really going on to balance out your point-of-view towards a particular group addresses your resistance towards having a sixth sense about something.

The Palm Beach Story (1942) [17122]

Address baiting someone by balancing your overwhelming irrationality towards something with your overwhelming feelings towards someone.

The Philadelphia Experiment (1984) [16443]

Abandon making something bigger than it is and you can survive the day.

The Philadelphia Story (1940) [1635]

You can experience true happiness when you get out of your way, and abandon avoiding commitment.

The Piano Lesson (1987) [21132]

Your reluctance to address the overwhelming nature of interventions allows your having a talent for something to shift towards passions, elevating you into a higher state of emotion.

The Postman (1994) [22066]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and refuse to compromise, even if it means conceiving of something different.

The Power of the Dog (2021) [22974]

Victimizing yourself with the uncertainty of keeping someone from finding out about something disconnects you from the outside world, clouding your reviewing the options with shades of judging.

The Prestige (2006) [19011]

However bleak, when you abandon having a desire for superiority you can understand if the sacrifices they made were worth it

The Prestige (2006) [28432]

While severe, you can uncover what happened by moving towards guessing someone's secrets.

The Producers (1967) [22489]

Intending to shift your being good enough for a particular group towards being intolerable raises your emotional state of vibration, opening you up to address your experiences.

The Queen (2006) [17976]

You can reinvent themselves when you get out of your way, and abandon reacting inappropriately.

The Quiet Man (1952) [18285]

You can get what they want when you abandon commending someone.

The Santa Clause (1994) [17443]

You can create a new family dynamic when you abandon resisting.

The Shape of Water (2017) [16446]

Abandon underestimating your capabilities and you can be focused on someone's immediate needs

The Shawshank Redemption (1994) [18214]

You can look forward to having a better life when you abandon supporting the system.

The Simpsons Christmas Special (1991) [53]

Abandon taking initiative and you can save Christmas.

The Social Network (2010) [19387]

Allowing a lower state of emotion makes your unfulfilling production more bearable, allowing you to address what you should do in your relationships with others.

The Station Agent (2003) [16456]

Abandon being preoccupied with how people see you and you can appreciate life.

The Sting (1973) [17178]

Abandon expecting the best and you can con someone.

The Sun Also Rises (1926) [29189]

Vindication awaits those who keep messing things up by focusing on continuing something, even if it means working out your legacy.

The Terminator (1984) [19813]

While severe, you can stop a killer when you get out of your way and abandon being hunted.

The Thin Red Line (1998) [24004]

The story argues that in a world overwhelmed by deceptions and relentless pressures, seeking meaning through complex ideas can lead to more uncertainty and despair rather than resolution. The film suggests that an excessive focus on intellectual considerations breeds doubt and hinders the pursuit of personal and spiritual fulfillment, ultimately leading to a path marred by failure and dissatisfaction.

The Thirteenth Floor (1999) [16454]

Abandon being sensitive to something and you can understand what is going on.

The Thomas Crown Affair (1999) [20695]

Opening yourself up to address being skilled, allows your trusting to shift towards challenging everyone, elevating you into a higher state of emotion.

The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) [31841]

Keep following a course of thought when dealing with the world around you and everyone will suffer the tragic consequences of making future plans

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) [22626]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of being dead because of something, when you being angry with someone.

The Usual Suspects (1995) [18504]

While severe, when you abandon looking at the way things appear to be you can decipher a mystery.

The Vast of Night (2019) [30800]

Everyone suffers the tragic consequences of forgetting what is at stake, when you speculate about wild conspiracies

The Verdict (1982) [16931]

When you get out of your way and abandon being skeptical, you can set up someone's future.

The Wedding Banquet (1993) [16683]

When you get out of your way and abandon taking the easy way out, you can create a new family dynamic.

The Wife (2017) [21306]

Virtuous are those who suggest that someone is a fraud by discovering one's potential.

The Wild Bunch (1969) [31406]

Holding control over others lowers your state of emotional vibration, and clouds your relationships with selfish pursuits.

The Wizard of Oz (1939) [17516]

You can fall in love with a particular group when you abandon disbelieving.

The Worst Person in the World (2021) [17343]

When you're feeling like you don't have enough of something, re-evaluate the situation. Look at it from a different angle, and think about what you do have. Don't let other people underestimate you either. Balance those two things together, and you can start to figure out what you need to do to make up for what you don't have

The X-Files S3E4 (Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose) (1995) [24585]

Keep focusing on the outside world by looking for a square deal and you can understand what is really happening

The Yellow Birds (2017) [21889]

Intending to shift your greater consideration towards what you know raises your emotional state of vibration, minimizing your reluctance to address your falling into unavoidable situations.

There's something about Mary (1998) [18061]

Allowing your love for someone to balance out your natural talents addresses your resistance towards having a low opinion of oneself.

Thor 3: Ragnarok (2017) [20581]

Virtuous are those who save something you love by holding back.

Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) [30072]

Vindication awaits those who keep messing things up by moving towards defending those who can't fend for themselves, even if it means inventing a scapegoat.

Three Kings (1999) [16491]

Abandon being seduced by someone and you can secure riches.

Tick, Tick... Boom! (2021) [22116]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and consider one's alternatives even if it means creating an uncertain future

Titanic v1 (1997) [20698]


Titanic v2 (1997) [21713]


To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) [22096]

Virtue lies in those who get out of their way and seek fairness, even if it means giving an honest account of what happened.

Tootsie (1982) [17433]

You can be yourself when you abandon being distrustful.

Top Gun (1986) [16476]

Abandon being reckless and you can compete against the best of the best.

Top Gun: Maverick (2022) [24623]

It's important to remember that we should all strive for freedom and try to get back what we have lost

Toy Story 2 (1999) [16459]

Abandon favoring yourself over others and you can understand your limitations.

Toy Story 4 (2019) [16396]


Toy Story v1 (1995) [16411]


Toy Story v2 (1995) [24659]

Keep focusing on being dubious and you can keep up with the times.

Train to Busan (2016) [17765]

You can find safety when you let go of your fears and doubts, and abandon being hunted by someone

Trainwreck (2015) [16488]

Abandon avoiding commitment and you can find a loving relationship.

True Detective S1 (2014) [24666]

Keep focusing on the outside world by being within tolerances for a group and you can change things around

True grit (1969) [25954]

Keep messing things up by moving towards dealing with something and you can get revenge.

Twister (1996) [25954]

In order to stay ahead of the changing world, we must be proactive in weighing risks and securing research for public safety.

Unforgiven (1992) [19813]

While severe, you can get revenge when you get out of your way and abandon seeking a reward.

Up in the Air (2009) [19258]

While severe, when you abandon downsizing your relationships with others you can conceive of a different way to do things.

Vengeance (2022) [17425]

By letting go of the need to define things, you can become a more genuine and authentic person.

Victor/Victoria (1982) [17431]

You can act like a star when you abandon being misleading.

Volcano (Ixcanul) (2015) [19056]

While severe, when you get out of your way and abandon contradicting the life chosen for you you can acquire prosperity

Wanderlust S1 (2018) [18880]

Allowing a lower state of emotion addresses what is lacking in your relationships with others while building resistance through unfulfilling possibilities

Washington Square (1880) [22443]

Intending to shift your enticements towards listening to one's conscience raises your emotional state of vibration, opening you up to address your making up one's mind about something.

Welcome to the dollhouse (1995) [23731]

Isolation disconnects your acceptance of others from the outside world, allowing the uncertainty of learning what life is all about into your experience.

West Side Story (1961) [11610]

While severe, you can fight a particular group by disrupting things with greater toleration.

Westworld S1 (2017) [26960]

While severe, when you get out of your way and abandon fulfilling the desires of others you can imagine your own story

Westworld S2E8 (Kiksuya) (2018) [17486]

You can remember what is forgotten when you abandon extrapolating where a particular group is going.

Whale Rider (2002) [24624]

Keep focusing on creating trouble and you can restore what was lost.

What ever happened to baby jane (1962) [29003]

Vindication awaits those who keep messing things up by focusing on unpredictability, even if it means being misunderstood by others.

What lies beneath (2000) [17739]

You can understand how a crime was committed when you get out of your way, and abandon throwing things out of balance.

What's up, Doc? (1972) [17762]

You can find romance when you get out of your way, and abandon finding connections with someone.

When harry met sally (1989) [18021]

You can fall in love when you get out of your way, and abandon being rational.

When Marnie Was There (2014) [17351]

Address your resistance towards having evidence of something by balancing your overwhelming self-absorption with your responsiveness to others.

While we're young (2014) [17425]

You can reignite a passion for living when you abandon doing what you've done before.

While you were Sleeping (1995) [17591]

By allowing yourself to draw a conclusion about a group while also making an incorrect inference about someone, you can demonstrate that you are needed by the group.

Whiplash (2014) [25620]

Keep moving towards working outside of someone's acceptable tolerances and you can be one of the greats.

White Tiger (2021) [16486]

Abandon keeping oneself under control and you can obtain independence

Who's afraid of virginia woolf? (1966) [30214]

Vindication awaits those who keep messing things up by moving towards seeing a particular group as it truly is, even if it means fully understanding the depths to which some people go.

Wild Wild Country (2018) [16922]

When you get out of your way and abandon meeting the expectations of others, you can have one's freedoms progressively expanded.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) [26217]

Keep resisting by forgoing something for fear of consequences when dealing with the world around you and you can be smitten by a group

Win Win (2011) [16981]

When you get out of your way and abandon determining consequences, you can support those you love.

Winter's Bone (2010) [24637]

Keep focusing on assessing a particular situation and you can learn a particular group's secrets.

Without Limits (1998) [24666]

Keep focusing on demanding the very best from yourself and you can improve your situation.

Witness (1985) [19877]

Allowing a lower state of emotion addresses putting off your feelings for someone while building resistance through unfulfilling pursuit by others

Wolfwalkers (2020) [24631]

Keep focusing on how the outside world is reacting negatively to someone and you can learn what is worth fighting for

Wonder Boys (2000) [21082]

Virtuous are those who write the next great novel by getting out of their own way and determining which way to go.

Wonder Woman (2017) [24625]

Keep focusing on working toward certainty and you can learn what is worth fighting for.

Working Girl (1988) [26292]

Exploring the possibilities raises your state of emotional vibration, helping you work through being needed with others.

Wreck-it Ralph (2012) [16506]

Abandon letting people pigeonhole you and you can teach them how to beat the game.

X-Files S1E13 (Beyond the Sea) (1994) [25636]

Keep moving towards skepticism and you can transform something.

X-Files S6E18 (Milagro) (2000) [22723]

solation disconnects your natural talents from the outside world, allowing the uncertainty of misunderstanding one's purpose into your experience.

Y tu mama tambien (2001) [19931]

Allowing a lower state of emotion addresses new sexual experiences while building resistance through unfulfilling conclusions

Young frankenstein (1974) [17480]

You can get others to forget their heritage when you abandon wanting more.

Young Guns (1988) [24623]

Keep focusing on how the outside world is being wild and you can get revenge

Zombieland (2009) [17762]

You can gain a new family when you get out of your way, and abandon having a structured sensibility.

Zootopia (2016) [17496]

You can calm your instinct towards prejudice when you abandon being apprehensive about a particular group.